new Pope Francis

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new Pope Francis

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Mar 14, '13, 3:30 am

The world, and the Catholic Church, has a new Pope.....Pope Francis: ... -work?lite

I love the fact that his real middle name is " Mario " !! :clap:

At 76 years of age, it might seem that he may be too old for the job but he looks fairly young so maybe age won't be an issue for a while. I would have thought they may have chosen someone even younger though since Benedict (in his 80's) seemingly resigned because of health issues among other things probably.

Best of luck and health to Pope Francis in his new position!! :yes:

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Re: new Pope Francis

Postby Bragatyr » Thu Mar 14, '13, 4:43 am

I was really stunned when they announced this, and I'm still excited. I'm a...former Catholic, I guess, since I was sort of nominally raised Catholic and still have a lot of interest in the church and religion in general despite basically being agnostic, but I think it's so cool that he's Latin American, Jesuit, and chose the name Francis (a lot of firsts for a pope!). That latter point is just epic. Francis of Assisi is one of my favorite saints, and I think he's one of the figures in history who can be argued to be most like the Jesus of the Gospels, so I have a lot of hope that he can prove a force for good in the world. I understand that he's pretty modest, pretty humble, and compassionate, genuinely devoting his life to the poor, so that's a cool thing.

That said, I don't agree with his more traditionalist views, from the little I know of them, but I was never going to anyway, so I guess we'll see.

But seriously, when they announced his name in the first moments, I was pretty sure I caught what seemed to be the Latin equivalent of Francis, Franciscus, and I was very stoked. I was sort of hoping for a new name in the papal line, so that was pretty cool.
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Re: new Pope Francis

Postby Rylen » Thu Mar 14, '13, 1:35 pm

I am excited. I have not felt like this in years. What struck me is when Francis came out. He kept his own cross. Which is very simple vs say the more ornate crosses that the Pope's have used. This guy is a man who is very humble. Also seemed to look pretty fit for someone who is 76. (I know a few Amateur Radio guys who are in their 70's and you would swear they were in fact way younger).

The other thing to note. Is when Francis stepped out. The look on his face. He was calm. He was at peace. This is where he was needed to be at that moment. I personally believe (from a pure spiritual stand point) that this is who God wanted in charge.
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Re: new Pope Francis

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Mar 24, '13, 1:32 am

New Pope Francis and the ex-Pope Benedict have a meeting together: ... unch?lite=

I'm glad they got to spend some time together.

However, I am really getting worried about Benedict. From reading all these recent news stories it seems his health has slowly gotten worse, and he really doesn't look so good in that last picture, I think. I know he retired because of his health he said and I really am worried about him.

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Re: new Pope Francis

Postby myau56 » Sun Mar 24, '13, 10:46 am

The meeting of the "two popes" is a great thing and that is (logicaly) the first time ! So it's an historical moment :)
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Re: new Pope Francis

Postby jessie » Sun Mar 24, '13, 1:56 pm

History in the making!
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Re: new Pope Francis

Postby Rylen » Sun Mar 24, '13, 4:25 pm

The picture confirms what I have suspected. That Benedict is not in good health and is worse than what has been told to the media.

Francis seems to be a truly humble man. Something the faith needs in these challenging times.
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Re: new Pope Francis

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 3, '13, 3:03 am

More news about newly elected Pope Francis. On Monday, Pope Francis took a stroll and browsed around under the Vatican where supposedly St. Peter is buried in a tomb along with various other Popes and historical figures, etc.: ... 25763.html

And, it seems he is the first Pope to have visited this area in quite awhile.

From everything I have heard and read about this man so far he seems remarkably humble and everything you would think a man of his newly elected status should be. He also seems to want to set precedents on how a Pope, or just a man of God, should act, etc. He hasn't even moved into Pope's living quarters at the Vatican yet but prefers to stay in his same old apartment for now. Or maybe he is just waiting on remodeling to be done, lol. Whatever the reason, the change seems quite refreshing and a very good example and role model for other people of faith and just everyone everywhere. JMHO. I didn't know much about him when he was chosen but so far I like almost everything I have heard that he has done since then.

Oh, and how terrific that would be to go down there and see all those historical tombs and other things. I don't like closed in places, but I do love historical objects, etc., and think that would be way too cool seeing all that in person. Anyone else think so??

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Re: new Pope Francis

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Mar 18, '15, 9:19 pm

I was very shocked to hear earlier in the week that Pope Francis may be considering retiring from the office of Pope perhaps sometime in the next few years or so. Somehow I was under the impression that this was a job for life, but I guess not. I know that his predecessor, Pope Benedict, retired but that was due to health issues so it was not that surprising. Pope Francis looks to be in fine health and from all I have heard he seems to be doing a wonderful job as Pope. I wonder if the huge responsibilities of the job have gotten to him or something and he yearns for a simplier life like he may have had before. A new Pope is always a big deal what with the selection process and being installed in the office, etc. Just surprising that he is thinking of quitting already!!

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