new 'Hulk' tv show?

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new 'Hulk' tv show?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 16, '10, 8:01 pm

"The Incredible Hulk" may be returning to tv in a new series: ... 15-us_hulk

This is fantastic!!!! :happy_marle:

Anyone remember the old "Incredible Hulk" tv series with actor Bill Bixby as David Banner and Lou Ferrigno as "Hulk"?

I wonder who they would get to do these roles in a new tv show????

Anyone have any ideas?
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Sun Oct 17, '10, 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: new "Hulk" tv show?

Postby Thoul » Sun Oct 17, '10, 1:41 am

I watched one of the old TV movies based on the show just yesterday. It was a good show, though some episodes were better than others.

I have a feeling the Hulk would be computer generated and not a real person. Putting a guy in green body paint and a wig worked okay for the original series, but it wouldn't be as well accepted by today's audiences. We're too spoiled by special effects. :lol:

Ferrigno has provided voice work for some recent versions of Hulk, like the last movie and an upcoming Avengers cartoon. He might be recruited to do that again if the series does use a CGI Hulk. I don't know who they'd get for Banner. Maybe the guy who will play him in the Avengers movie? That would be some great cross promotion for Marvel's movies and TV shows.
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Re: new 'Hulk' tv show?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Oct 17, '10, 3:21 am

Oh no, not a computerized HULK! :cry:

I think they've lost me already. :(

Well, I guess I could atleast give it a try. It may not be as bad as it sounds. We'll see, I guess.

Good idea for Ferrigno to be involved in some capacity if they can get him, etc.

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Re: new 'Hulk' tv show?

Postby Thoul » Mon Oct 18, '10, 9:47 pm

That's just my theorizing, they haven't said it would be computerized yet. I could be wrong. I just think it's more likely than another guy dipped in green paint. The last two movies both used a computer generated Hulk that looked pretty good.
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