Games you payed full price for that you regret

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Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby S4Blade » Wed Jul 30, '14, 11:05 pm

What are some games that you payed full price for that you regret?

I don't buy many full priced games, but I was forced to when I wanted to check out Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii. All I heard were great things about the game, so I figured I couldn't go wrong. Turns out my disliking for JRPGs is greater than I thought and I was not able to stand the game one bit. So I regret spending the money on Xenoblade Chronicles.

Bloodrayne: Betrayal was another game that I got when it first came out at full price on Xbox Live/PSN, and I regretted it. The games was just not very good compared to the first two Bloodrayne games, and it was totally different, in a bad way.

I can't really think on any others, but I'm sure there are a few. So what about you guys, any full priced gaming purchases that you regret?
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Re: Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby Aeroprism » Thu Jul 31, '14, 1:59 am

Unless you get a good price for it, don't sell that Xenoblade Chronicles just yet. Sooner or later, I plan to get a WiiU and I'd be more than happy to buy it from you.

As for the topic: Neverwinter Nights. Paid full price, was disappointed. Guild Wars. Paid full price, was incredibly disappointed. Guild Wars 2. No, no, not disappointed, the game rocks, but all my MMO friends pushed me to get it and by the time I bought it (we're talking 5-7 days here), they had all moved on to the next MMO. Solo MMO = boring. There are probably more games I paid full price that I regret.

Like Phantasy Star 4, which I paid a whooping $105 the day it got out, 0.008 seconds after the store opened.

Haha. Just kidding, no regrets there.
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Re: Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Jul 31, '14, 12:58 pm

Ok, so I didn't pay full price for this one, but my parents did as it was a Christmas gift to me from them several years ago. It was Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night. Now, I'm a big Spyro fan, and I found the Legend series reboot…ok. The only game in that series that I kept in my collection is the third one, because the co-op is fantastic. Anyway, TEN…ugh. So much was wrong with that game, and quite honestly, it feels terrible to get a game you have hope for as a gift from someone, to find out it's just plain awful, for all the wrong reasons, when there was so much potential.

But really, the last time I actually paid full price at release for a game was Okami HD on PSN, which I didn't regret one bit. Before that, it would either be Smash Bros. Brawl or Okami on PS2. Every other game in my PS3 collection (which are the only modern games I've been buying the last few years) are gifts from others or I bought cheap.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Thu Jul 31, '14, 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby Tweeg » Thu Jul 31, '14, 2:05 pm

Record of Agarest War: L.E.
This game was getting good hype and there were a couple of other people on another forum I'm a member at buying it who tend to have good taste in games. I'm really not a fan of Strategy RPG's in general, and this game was no exception. Didn't help that the instruction manual was useless to the point I got stuck in the game not even twenty minutes in and took two weeks, and reading lots of message board posts complaining of getting stuck at the same place to find out you can jump in the game. But does the instruction manual tell you that you can jump? No. By that point I had no interest in playing it again.

And for months to come, GameStops all over my area still had factory sealed L.E.'s behind their counters. They had them for so long that the price for the Limited Edition actually dropped down 50% to $29.99.

Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus
Here me out on this one. For almost six months I had the Xbox 360 edition of this, the second chapter in the PSU franchise, on pre-order. Not even two weeks before release date I get a phone call from GameStop customer support notifying me that the Xbox 360 version has been cancelled and that I must change my pre-order to either the PC or PS2 version. I told them I'd take a refund and arguement ensued as they claimed no refunds can be given on pre-orders, no exception. Was later that same day told the same thing by the manager at the GameStop I'd placed the game on pre-order at.

This was incredibly problematic for me as I still did not own a PS2 at that time and my new PC even then was below recommended spec to play PSU: AotI. Needless to say, I got stuck with a PC game I could not play, and by the time I had a PC I could play it on I honestly didn't care about it anymore as Phantasy Star Portable for the PSP had already debuted.
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Re: Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby tilinelson2 » Thu Jul 31, '14, 2:11 pm

I regret paying the full price of almost every game I pay the full-price nowadays. It is very usual that the price drops considerably before I have the chance of playing the games I have purchased for the full price.

That is why, in the last few months, I started avoiding buying games unless they are on sale.
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Re: Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby S4Blade » Fri Aug 1, '14, 2:07 am

Aeroprism wrote:Unless you get a good price for it, don't sell that Xenoblade Chronicles just yet. Sooner or later, I plan to get a WiiU and I'd be more than happy to buy it from you.

As for the topic: Neverwinter Nights. Paid full price, was disappointed. Guild Wars. Paid full price, was incredibly disappointed. Guild Wars 2. No, no, not disappointed, the game rocks, but all my MMO friends pushed me to get it and by the time I bought it (we're talking 5-7 days here), they had all moved on to the next MMO. Solo MMO = boring. There are probably more games I paid full price that I regret.

Well sorry Aeroprism, but Xenoblade is long gone. I don't hold on to stuff I no longer want for very long?

So what's the deal with Guild Wars 2? I have it installed on my hard drive now and I'm going to be playing it soon for the first time. Is it worth playing? I've heard mixed things about it.
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Re: Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby Snorb » Sat Aug 2, '14, 6:51 pm

Once upon a time, when the world was young and Phantasy Star hadn't been ruined too terribly by a terrible terrible Xbox 360 game, its equally bad expansion, and an incomprehensible DS entry, there was a man named Chris. Chris loved himself JRPGs, and still does to this day, the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Fourteen. But he today is not the same man he was eleven years ago, and so he took his money, headed to the local GameStop, pointed proudly at a new boxed copy of the Game Boy Advance title Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, and said "That. I want that."

Chris paid his forty dollars, drove home in his terrible secondhand car, and when he arrived, gingerly tore the wrapper off the box and plugged the game into his cobalt blue Game Boy Advance SP. He enjoyed Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, and would be disappointed to hear years later that Koji Igarashi said CotM was non-canon because [no answer given], but that is a tale for another time.

The Game Boy Advance loaded up, and Harmony of Dissonance was go. From the moment the title screen and tune started, he knew things would not be All Right.

"...What the crap is this?" Chris asked nobody in particular. "Why does the music sound like really bad 8-bit chiptunes? Why is the character art so gothic? Why is there no double-tap the D-pad to run? Why do I have to go into the submenu to switch between using magic and using subweapons? Why does the Bible subweapon manage to pull the impressive feat of being a worse weapon than the Holy Water?"

Chris sat there, staring at the adventures of Jeist Belmont, with a look of utter dismay on his face. After some contemplation, he decided to press on. This would later be considered A Mistake.

"Why are most of the backgrounds in Dracula's Castle so damn ugly?" he wondered aloud. "This reminds me of the Edge from Phantasy Star IV, which was a much better game than this. Why do I have to go to Side A or Side B of Dracula's Castle like in The Goonies II, which was also a much better game, and by the same company no less? Why is there no way to tell on the map which points you can switch over? Why is there a random room in Dracula's Castle for Jeist to decorate? Why am I playing this when I could be playing a much better game, or staring at my blank wall?"

Chris sadly turned off his Game Boy Advance, removed the offending game from it, and sighed with the desperation of a man in deep thought. He has not played HoD for close to nine years now; the cartridge sits in his GBA case among such "luminaries" in his library like Wolfenstein 3D, an incompetent, slow-running, music-less, badly blurred port of the revolutionary first-person shooter; Dragon Ball Z: Legend of Goku II, which was a competent action RPG, though linear and containing some badly-drawn character pictures; and of course, Tales of Phantasia, a badly-translated, badly-ported, slowed-down, terribly washed-out port of the PlayStation classic that started the series, with voice acting so subpar even the grunts made when the protagonist swings his sword sound like he'd rather be loafing on his couch.

If there is one silver lining to this cloud of crap, the Sacred Fist subweapon in HoD happily reminded Chris of Fist of the North Star, except without "WOOTATATATATATATATATAT You are already dead." "NOOOoooOOOOoooooo- (headsplosion)."
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Re: Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby S4Blade » Sun Aug 3, '14, 3:16 pm

I don't know Snorb, I never had a problem with Harmony of Dissonance. I played through all of the GBA and DS Castlevania games and when I played Harmony of Dissonance I enjoyed it. It wasn't until several years later that I found out the game was generally disliked. Then again I am a huge sucker for those games.
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Re: Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby Flames of Yagami » Tue Aug 5, '14, 5:22 am

Definitely my special edition copy of Marvel vs Capcom 3, which was $70 IIRC. Don't get me wrong, MvC3 is a fantastic game, it's just that I was irritated at the idea of shelling out another $40 for it's update, Ultimate MvC3, while the vanilla version had only been out for a few months. I really think Capcom should have delayed the original game, implementing everything into it that ended up being saved for Ultimate. To me, releasing what is essentially the same game twice less than a year apart gives the impression that a company only cares for money, nothing else.
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Re: Games you payed full price for that you regret

Postby S4Blade » Wed Aug 6, '14, 4:39 am

You're not the only one that was mad about that Yagami, and it was reflected in the initial sales of UMVC3 which were quite low. Sales did pick up eventually, but it took Capcom a long time to announce acceptable sales numbers for the game.
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