Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

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Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Flames of Yagami » Tue Jul 19, '11, 4:46 pm

Horrible news today, Capcom announced that MML3 has been cancelled for not meeting some unknown criteria. Capcom says it has nothing to do Keiji Inafune leaving the company but I still think that's one of the main reasons this was canned. ... so-canned/

Well, that's it. Looks like we won't see anything new about Megaman, unless he's in that Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 I've heard rumors about, but unless it's X or Classic, then I won't even bother picking that up.
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Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Thoul » Tue Jul 19, '11, 7:45 pm

This is very disappointing news. We may never know the ultimate reasons for the decision. That's sad, but not very uncommon. I hope Capcom has something else lined up for the series, but they don't seem to have much interest in the classic versions of Mega Man any longer.
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Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Lucas » Wed Jul 20, '11, 9:16 am

Wow, what a let down especially for the fans out there. Capcom only a few months back cancelled that MegaMan Universe if I remember correctly as well. The future for the MegaMan games isn't looking good at the moment.

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Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Celeith » Wed Jul 20, '11, 5:48 pm

Every Megaman fan knew Legends 3 was to good to be true. It's such a bummer this was cancelled as Legends 1 and 2 were awesome games.
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Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Flames of Yagami » Wed Jul 20, '11, 10:54 pm

Even more proof that Megaman's future seems very bad: Ultimate MVC3 was announced today and guess what? Strider, Firebrand, Hawkeye, and Ghost Rider were confirmed, and the other 8 chars were leaked, and Megaman isn't one of them ... ter-leaks/

This is just sad. It really proves that Capcom doesn't care about the fans. I mean think about it, a raccoon was chosen over the 2 most requested characters, Megaman X and Venom. I definitely won't be picking this up, KOF XIII will be out before this anyway. I know I'm sounding harsh but I really think Capcom blew it with this one.

On a side note, does anyone think Capcom should sell the rights of Megaman back to Keiji Inafune?
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Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Thoul » Thu Jul 21, '11, 12:27 am

I'm actually not at all surprised that Mega Man or X are excluded from the additions in this new version of Marvel vs. Capcom. There's currently a Mega Man comic series being published by a Marvel rival, Archie Comics. It would be bad form, in respect to current relations with both comic companies, for Capcom to put a Mega Man in the game.

I have to agree that there are some odd character choices in the new line up, though. Marvel has promoted the raccoon character in several of their comics, but he's not that popular. Also notice there's no female characters in the new group at all.
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Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Flames of Yagami » Thu Jul 21, '11, 2:06 am

Thoul wrote:I'm actually not at all surprised that Mega Man or X are excluded from the additions in this new version of Marvel vs. Capcom. There's currently a Mega Man comic series being published by a Marvel rival, Archie Comics. It would be bad form, in respect to current relations with both comic companies, for Capcom to put a Mega Man in the game.

I never thought of it that way, but it sounds pretty logical now that you mention it. And I normally wouldn't be so disappointed about Megaman (X) not being in UMVC3, but with Legends being cancelled yesterday, the past 2 days have been terrible for us Megaman fans.

Oh well, at least Venom still has a chance as DLC.
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Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Celeith » Thu Jul 21, '11, 4:39 am

Wait I coulda sworn X was included in MvC3 as DLC? I musta misread somethings
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Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Thoul » Fri Jul 22, '11, 2:04 am

No, as far as I know, the only DLC characters were Jill Valentine and Shuma Goroth.
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Re: Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled

Postby Lucas » Fri Jul 22, '11, 11:29 am

I too hope we see at least one version of MegaMan in UMVC3.

I also really hope Capcom decides to do something with Aero as well. I mean what's the point of creating and fully fleshing out a new character then completely dropping the game she was meant to be in, seems like a waste, not to mention fans had a choice in her final design too.

And yes I can confirm for Thoul also that Shuma-Gorath and Jill are the only DLC characters for MVC3, I have them both. ;) Shuma is great, RE5 Jill however :bang:
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