Need help ripping sprites...

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Need help ripping sprites...

Postby Lyla2284 » Tue Jan 12, '10, 10:45 am

Hello fellow Fringers. I've thought this through for quite some time, and thought it would be a good idea to use PS2: Generation 2 sprites in my fan-game. However, I don't have the game itself, but I know the sprites themselves are pretty good. I'm doing the heroes battlers myself, Gen2 style as well, and although it may take a while, the end result will be worth it. I therefore appeal to anyone who has Generation 2, and if they have the time to rip the sprites for me, if it is possible. I will see to the Frankenspriting and animations. :wink:

It is also a good idea to get the fan-community involved with this project that has been in development for more than a year. Credit will be given. :D

After all, I plan to make this the best fan made game ever.
Last edited by Lyla2284 on Thu Aug 19, '10, 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Need help ripping sprites...

Postby Tsunami » Thu Jan 14, '10, 12:49 am

So are you gonna scrap all the old sprites for the PSG2 look? Just curious, as I know you've put a lot of time into this project and are continuing to do so.
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Re: Need help ripping sprites...

Postby Abominae » Wed Feb 3, '10, 11:21 pm

Hey... I looked and as far as I can tell, your best bet at this point would be to rip the sprites from youtube videos... i'd do it, but I'm lazy.
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Re: Need help ripping sprites...

Postby Lyla2284 » Thu Feb 4, '10, 7:45 pm

Nah, it's cool. I'm rather going to scrap the whole idea of using those sprites. I have enough on my plate as is. I'm starting varsity on Monday, so my time for my fan-game will be severely limited. :wink:
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Re: Need help ripping sprites...

Postby Abominae » Thu Feb 4, '10, 8:42 pm

I'm interested in finding those sprites myself, so if anything turns up, I'll let you know.

edit: assuming you're still interested.
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