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Postby Thoul » Thu Nov 1, '07, 10:49 am

Does anyone watch this Discovery Channel show? It features some movie special effects people putting everyday myths to scientific tests to see what's true and what isn't.

I enjoy watching it, especially when they're blowing something up or making something go really really fast. :cloud9: I usually tune out when they do an experiment involving pig parts, though. :ill:
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Postby Tsunami » Thu Nov 1, '07, 7:52 pm

I've seen this before! Some of the myths are odd, while others, I'd like to think, are solvable with plain common sense. :blank:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 1, '07, 8:47 pm

I've never seen it, and if they have " pig parts " then I don't think I want to see it either. :yuck:

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Postby Thoul » Thu Nov 1, '07, 11:44 pm

When they need to rest some effect on humans that could be dangerous, they will get a similar part of a pig and use that as a human analog. Sometimes it's not so bad - just a slab of meat. But when they get ready to start exploding stomachs, that's when I change the channel. Thankfully they don't use the pig parts too much. Most of the time, they're just building some kind of machine to shoot something (straw, chicken, you name it) or blow some thing up (cars, bombs, exploding pants, you name that too).

For an example of a non-pig episode, they've done movie myths, like how far a car (based on the General Lee) can jump or if someone can scale a wall with a rope and grapple (Batman). These are guys who build robots for commercials and films like Star Wars, so they're usually fabricating some rig to put a myth to the test.

Tsunami wrote:Some of the myths are odd, while others, I'd like to think, are solvable with plain common sense. :blank:

Yeah, some seem like no brainers. Even so, it's usually fun to see what kind of crazyness they'll come up with to test it. :lol:
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