This is a request I got from H-Man recently, though I was thinking of drawing this around that time anyway.
The request was to draw Rika as she appears in his fan fiction
Hunter in the Fox's Den as Ri-Ge the Fox Spirit. (Hence the odd vaguely fox looking ears) I'm not going to go into detail so go and read the fiction if you want to know more.
Anyway, no much to say except thanks to H-Man for providing me with the references and to those who inspired me to into get drawing in the first place. I never mentioned it before so it's about time. You know who you are.
This is my last Rika piece for a while now. Meteor9 don't you even say it. Next up is Amy and maybe a portrait of a support character who I will not reveal here.
Anyway, comments, critique, etc. all welcome as usual.