Movie Gallery

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Movie Gallery

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Feb 4, '10, 10:53 pm

Movie Gallery, a video rental business, has filed for bankruptcy: ... ankruptcy/

Sad news for movie fans, and video game renters, etc. :(

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Re: Movie Gallery

Postby Thoul » Fri Feb 5, '10, 12:47 am

Didn't they do this a while back, too? If they had to file again, I guess they're having a really hard time keeping up with the competition. With all the easier and cheaper alternatives around now, it may not be long until video rental stores are a thing of the past.
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Re: Movie Gallery

Postby Darkil » Fri Feb 5, '10, 1:55 am

From what I remember of Movie Gallery they weren't the most clean rental place and more often than not, the movies were all in terrible shape. I can't say I'm surprised due to my experience with them but it's still sad to see places file for bankruptcy and ultimately close.
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Re: Movie Gallery

Postby Thoul » Sat Feb 6, '10, 5:32 pm

You must have had a bad store there Darkil. I've never had problems like that with the local Movie Galleries (we have two in driving distance). I suppose each store is different based on how well the management takes care of it.
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Re: Movie Gallery

Postby Thoul » Mon May 24, '10, 2:18 am

Welp, one of our local Movie Gallery stores is closing in July. I hope to find some good game buys there, but when I was in the store a couple of weeks ago I was not impressed with the selection.

I'm kind of sad that the store is closing. It started as a locally owned and operated movie rental place in the 1980s. I've been renting stuff from the store since I was a little kid. Eventually it was bought out and changed to a Movie Gallery.

But more importantly, this is the very store and place where I was introduced to Phantasy Star. I rented both PSIII and PSIV from it. Of course, they are long gone from the store, but still...
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Re: Movie Gallery

Postby Celeith » Mon May 24, '10, 2:49 am

Our Movie Gallery is closing down in July as well. I say goodbye to ours cause they're really lazy, they don't keep the store organized, nothing is priced well.. They're having a closing out sale and my wife and myself went there yesterday to check it out..

Come to it, everything must go.. But they won't sell any new releases, said they'll lose money.. Does it friggin matter? Anyways I was gonna get Star Ocean 4 International but the game was rented at the time.. That games not coming back I can tell you right now.. Anyways its kinda stupid that all games are being sold at retail price.. Even the very old games.. Ps2 game, Totally Spies: Totally Party my wife wanted... 49.99.. I mean really.. I can get the game off of amazon for .99c
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Re: Movie Gallery

Postby Thoul » Sat Jun 5, '10, 2:55 pm

I dropped by the local store yesterday to see if they had anything good. They really didn't have much at all. It looked like most of the new releases were gone, probably shipped off to another store. There's no way they sold them all so quickly.

In games, they didn't have much worth looking at, either. The only RPG I saw was Mass Effect 2, if you want to count that as an RPG. It was still $36+.

Maybe the prices will come down again closer toward the end of the month. The clerk in the store said they were closing in 5 weeks, so the last week in June will probably have the best deals.
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Re: Movie Gallery

Postby Tweeg » Wed Jun 9, '10, 1:40 am

All of the Hollywood Video stores closed here earlier in the year. And as of last month, all of the Movie Gallery's here also closed. And, if I remember correctly, the one remaing Pic-A-Flic Video also closed earlier in this year (never really go out that way).

All that to say that the only remaing video rental chain in this area is Blockbuster Video. And they downsized a few years ago from having multiple area locations to having just two locations.
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