Most Enjoyable Level

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Most Enjoyable Level

Postby Thoul » Wed Apr 4, '07, 10:26 pm

Out of all the levels in the various versions of Phantasy Star Online, which did you enjoy playing on the most, and why did you like that particular stage?

For me, it's the early, forested areas. I like the atmosphere of that portion the most. As you progress through the game, the others seem to get darker and more closed in, compare to the relative openness of this area. I missed seeing the sky, especially down in the wrecked ship. It's not the best place for gaining levels or items, but I enjoyed it more.
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Re: Most Enjoyable Level

Postby Neithird » Thu Apr 5, '07, 4:15 pm

I liked the cavern level. It had some good variety in the enemies sometimes. Coming across one of those darkened rooms was always something I dreaded, but I also enjoyed the chance to lay down lots of fire and wipe out the monsters before I saw them. :lol:

There were also those combining guys that returned from Phantasy Star IV. Pan-arms, or something like that? I don't remember the name off hand. I thought those were a neat reference.
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Re: Most Enjoyable Level

Postby Thoul » Thu Apr 5, '07, 11:29 pm

I had forgotten about those dark room. Ugh, I hated those. It's too bad they didn't throw in some more combiner enemies. That was a great feature in PSIV too, but underused.
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Postby Sharline » Wed Apr 25, '07, 11:59 am

I liked the Forest 2 section in PSO the best. I love the rain, and that's the only place it has it. In PSU I liked Moatoob, because it looks like the beach.
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Postby Tsunami » Wed Feb 13, '08, 1:22 am

Now that I have played it to some extent...

I have to agree about the forest. At first it's kinda pretty, and I like how it goes from sunny and cheery to dark and rainy in the transition from Forest 1 to 2. :)
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Postby Celeith » Fri Apr 18, '08, 11:00 pm

i think the forest is the only decent looking place in this whole game, every other place just feels gloomy
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Postby Ome_Joop » Mon Jun 2, '08, 12:25 am

PSO Forest II (when everyting is on fire in that special mission...Central Dome Fire Swirl)
PSO Episode II Jungle
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Postby Darkil » Wed Dec 24, '08, 1:17 am

I too enjoyed the forest levels and the ruins. Of course I don't remember the name of the 3rd stage where you fought the machines but that reminded me some of Aliens[one of my fav movies btw] so I got into that. The Jungle areas were loads of fun but aggrivating since the monsters were more difficult to exploit weaknesses from.
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Postby Celeith » Wed Dec 24, '08, 6:49 pm


Forest was a pretty sweet area, the dragon boss was fun to fight, especially when you get a special weapon drop from it ^_^

The cave was alright, to much of a maze if anything, the worm boss at the end is extremely easy to kill if you have the Foi tech that hits multi targets, is it NaFoi?

The mines were fun, robots on the ceiling, sniping them with your guns and slicers before they even fell to the ground, random psycopathic robots on the ground that try to ninja you when they pop up behind you offscreen, and giant missle shooting bots that block the pathway but are dumb enough to let you run back to the door so the missle can't hit you. Good times, good times. The robot boss has to be one of the easiest if you know what you're doing, mass spam lightning techs and the battle is a joke.

And finally the ruins. Who can say what about this area, was it Sega's futile attempt at making a homage to the previous Phantasy Stars. Giving similar feelings such as the three seals, maybe the feeling that Palman's made it here on one of the worldships? Bringing Falz into the picture for no reason? Either way you look at it the Ruins are a good place and also a bad place. The only problem is when you have multi party members and you're in a hurry, you have so many switches to press and then someone goes afk or just logs out. The fight with Falz is tedious, especially on higher difficulties (Ultimate *gulp) but not impossible. Using the right amount of strategy and bringing along enough HP/TP recovery items and a few re-raise items the fight can be won, but don't expect a nice reward because the drop rate will screw with you >.<
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Postby Tsunami » Sun Dec 28, '08, 7:42 pm

Kaloes wrote:The cave was alright, to much of a maze if anything, the worm boss at the end is extremely easy to kill if you have the Foi tech that hits multi targets, is it NaFoi?
Rafoie. :3

The mines were fun, robots on the ceiling, sniping them with your guns and slicers before they even fell to the ground, random psycopathic robots on the ground that try to ninja you when they pop up behind you offscreen, and giant missle shooting bots that block the pathway but are dumb enough to let you run back to the door so the missle can't hit you. Good times, good times. The robot boss has to be one of the easiest if you know what you're doing, mass spam lightning techs and the battle is a joke.
Omg, I spammed Gifoie with my HUnewearl and my FOmarl before in Vol Opt's first form... was crazy, it didn't even get a chance to attack. :mrgreen: 2nd form is easy if you have a strong weapon that attacks multiple targets. Still paranoid of fighting ultimate Vol Opt with my RAcast though, due to my limited healing (can't recall it's name unless it was something like Vol Opt V2.0 o_O).

(snip) The fight with Falz is tedious, especially on higher difficulties (Ultimate *gulp) but not impossible. Using the right amount of strategy and bringing along enough HP/TP recovery items and a few re-raise items the fight can be won, but don't expect a nice reward because the drop rate will screw with you >.<
You know what I hated about Falz? No matter what difficulty you fight 'im, you always get crap rewards AND empty boxes. >_<
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