Most difficult mobs.

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Most difficult mobs.

Postby JustMe » Wed Jun 22, '11, 8:33 pm

I think the most difficult mobs in the game were pulsars (overpowering early on when looking for the girl), headrot (good for grinding when near Shir's town, just spam techniques and heal) and lungs (Floating swords) at the Deso tower where the Nei gun is found.
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Re: Most difficult mobs.

Postby hugues » Fri Sep 16, '11, 4:51 am

By far the enemy that's given me the most trouble in PSII is the Blaster. They seem way too powerful for the point in the game when you meet them. In just 2 rounds they can wipe out your entire party.
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Re: Most difficult mobs.

Postby Moonlight Shadow » Sun Feb 1, '15, 10:33 pm

I agree for Blasters in Phantasy Star 2. I'm doing the Biosystem Lab for the 7th time... because in one turn, they deals 20+ damages to all heroes, plus this game DOESN'T allow the player to choose the target (only possibility is to target an ennemy type when there are 2 ennemy types), plus the frequent "miss", plus the "surprise attacks" where they deal their high damages even before the battle begins...
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Re: Most difficult mobs.

Postby Hukos » Tue Feb 3, '15, 7:06 am

Facing down a pair of Arc Dragons can be instant death for some people.

Whatever the highest level flame elemental enemy is called in Dezolis (name escapes me) but it also has the potential to be extremely dangerous in a mob.
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Re: Most difficult mobs.

Postby myau56 » Sun Feb 5, '17, 4:30 pm

Me too, I'm going with the Blasters ! No doubt about it : those enemies are the worst in the game ! And yes you seem to meet them far too soon in the game ! :(
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