Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

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Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

Postby Thoul » Wed Oct 13, '10, 1:01 am

I ran across an interesting article this evening. It explains that having a doughnut and coffee in the morning actually helps one's brain to function. Apparently these provide vital chemicals and nutrients that improve attention and mood. So, the next time you're having trouble getting a good start on your day, eat a doughnut! ... nce-memory
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Re: Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

Postby Tanith » Wed Oct 13, '10, 3:14 am

I've never been much of a doughnut person; it's one of those foods that I like okay but I don't seek out. However, I'm firing up my coffee right now (for those that don't know, I'm a night shift worker and right now is my "morning."). I always feel much better starting my day out with coffee (with a little bit of cream and sugar). I usually don't eat "breakfast" food, though. It's usually pasta or a sandwich of some sort and a piece of fruit.
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Re: Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 13, '10, 5:57 am

Interesting. First time I think I've heard of anyone saying a doughnut was a good food to eat. :lol: I'm all for it, although, I rarely drink coffee any longer and don't eat that many doughnuts either, especially for breakfast.

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Re: Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

Postby Rudo » Wed Oct 13, '10, 6:22 am

Donuts have gads of sugar. Coffee is mostly loaded with caffiene. I sincerely question whether that combination would tally up for a good breakfast, or a heart attack in the making.
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Re: Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

Postby Solar » Wed Oct 13, '10, 6:33 am

Coffee obviously helps, but donuts?
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Re: Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

Postby Thoul » Wed Oct 13, '10, 6:49 am

According to the link I posted, our brains need sugar to help them function. After sleeping all night, a person's body is a bit short of it because we didn't eat anything over night. Eating a doughnut (or anything with sugar I suppose, doughnuts are just popular) brings the levels back up.

Of course, going overboard would be a bad idea. It's just a doughnut, not a whole box or such.
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Re: Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

Postby Aeroprism » Wed Oct 13, '10, 6:21 pm

Donuts are filled with reffined sugar that will metabolize into fat. If your brain needs sugar, eat an apple and an orange, live longer.

Coffee is good if you don't sweeten it. It's even better if you keep it black.
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Re: Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

Postby Tanith » Thu Oct 14, '10, 12:09 am

Aeroprism an apple and an orange, live longer.
When I worked from 6AM-2PM, one of my favorite breakfasts was to make a big fruit salad (without disgusting bananas, of course). Oh my, sooooo delicious! Fruit in the morning is awesome. Black coffee, however, I haven't been able to stomach since having kids. I don't know what happened, but it now gives me horrendous heartburn.

And though I myself hate bananas, if sugar in the morning is important, this would be a very good fruit of choice. Bananas are one of the more sugary fruits out there. I think one banana constitutes two servings of fruit rather than one, because it's fairly caloric. They're loaded with fiber, though.
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Re: Morning Coffee and Doughnuts helps your brain

Postby Solar » Thu Oct 14, '10, 8:14 pm

My daily morning coffee is a cappucino vanilla and there's no way I'm giving up this little piece of heaven that wakes me up so gently.
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