More Profiles Added

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More Profiles Added

Postby Thoul » Thu Apr 26, '07, 7:09 pm

New Profiles have been added for Lashiec, Mother Brain, Gaila, Laerma Tree, and Biomonsters. The Profiles for Alisa III and Laconia, have slight revisions, also.

I have also added Laerma to the History and Mythology page.
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Re: More Profiles Added

Postby Thoul » Thu Apr 26, '07, 10:12 pm

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I've added new avatars to the gallery, found at the bottom of the Edit Profile page. There are now some Legend of Zelda, Skies of Arcadia, Metroid, Mario Bros, and Super Hero avatars.
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Re: More Profiles Added

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Apr 27, '07, 7:06 pm

Thoul wrote:Oh, and I forgot to mention that I've added new avatars to the gallery, found at the bottom of the Edit Profile page. There are now some Legend of Zelda, Skies of Arcadia, Metroid, Mario Bros, and Super Hero avatars.

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm on my way to the gallery to see the new avatars! These new ones sound really good! Thanks, Thoul! :clap:
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