Michael Jackson alive rumor

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Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Aug 28, '09, 2:58 am

Have you heard the latest rumor floating around the net, etc., about Michael Jackson supposedly being alive?????

This is really weird. :blank:

Anyway, there is a video that shows a coroner's van and some guy getting out of the back of the van that supposedly looks a lot like Michael Jackson. This is supposed to have happened after Jackson died and his body was transported to the coroner's office, If I understand it all correctly.

I just watched the video and it is a bit eerie, but I couldn't really tell anything from it.

Has anyone else seen the video, and if so, what do you think?

Could Michael Jackson have faked his own death?

I know that something sort of like this (a faked death) was thought about with Elvis Presley for years, and some people probably still think it.

It will be interesting to see what happens with all this.

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Re: Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby Thoul » Sat Aug 29, '09, 4:41 pm

As with Elvis, there will be rumors and sightings for many years to come. A lot of people just don't want to believe he is dead. But also like Elvis, I think it will never be more than wishful thinking.
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Re: Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby Darkil » Sat Aug 29, '09, 8:28 pm

I'm not surprised about this one bit. Like Thoul said, it's the same thing as Elvis [after all he basically was my generation's Elvis]. This will be speculated for many years to come.
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Re: Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby AJS » Sat Aug 29, '09, 11:18 pm

I haven't seen the video but don't believe it. :mrgreen:

I agree with the above.
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Re: Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 3, '09, 5:23 pm

Aw guys, you are just no fun sometimes. :wink:

Don't you even want to think it might be true for a second? :hyper:

It took me years (y-e-a-r-s) to even consider the notion that Elvis was actually dead. Sometimes I'm still not even sure I really believe it. :shiftyeyes:

Oh well, I guess you all are right about this one....maybe. :wink:

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Re: Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby Abominae » Thu Oct 8, '09, 6:07 pm

Well, you never really know. He'd destroy everything he has done by coming around and telling people he's alive...

but, what really gets me is how nobody gave a damn about him before he died. Everything he did it was "Wacko Jacko makes an appearance. He looks like the chick monkey from Planet of the Apes. Blah blah blah"

He couldn't go buy groceries without someone taking a jab at him...

Now that he's dead, everybody and their mother wishes they could have gone to his concert to see him.


I always suspected that he might really be guilty. Since I wasn't there, I wasn't going to say unless they put him in a lie detector. But I never stopped enjoying his music...
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Re: Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby Darkil » Thu Nov 5, '09, 2:06 pm

Well I must say I'm a believer because I saw Elvis the other day at Burger King....I'm serious......no, really....... :rofl:
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Re: Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby MrKite » Tue Dec 29, '09, 5:25 am

Abominae wrote:Well, you never really know. He'd destroy everything he has done by coming around and telling people he's alive...

but, what really gets me is how nobody gave a damn about him before he died. Everything he did it was "Wacko Jacko makes an appearance. He looks like the chick monkey from Planet of the Apes. Blah blah blah"

He couldn't go buy groceries without someone taking a jab at him...

Now that he's dead, everybody and their mother wishes they could have gone to his concert to see him.


I always suspected that he might really be guilty. Since I wasn't there, I wasn't going to say unless they put him in a lie detector. But I never stopped enjoying his music...

That's something I don't get either. I can totally relate to what you're saying:Nobody gives a **** and makes fun of him, then all of a sudden, he dies, and everybody changes their mind about him just because he died. Also, I don't think some of these people who constantly mourn the **** out of him and milk his death to the last drop even really give or gave a **** about him, and they just want to turn him into some stupid internet meme or something, and use his death as an excuse for doing so. A friend of mine told me that ever since he's died, the media has just turned him into a cash cow, and she's right. I mean, it sucks when people die, it always does, but why are people still trying to milk and make money off of his death? Another thing that grows on me is that for no reason, people just start to talk about MJ from out of the blue whenever I talk about The Beatles or Bruce Springsteen, and that's another thing that's making me sick of hearing about him and his death. These people are making me hate MJ, if they haven't already.
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Re: Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby MrRoivas » Mon May 24, '10, 11:48 pm

What a sorry individual. Being born after the 80s, he never meant much to me, but even I could tell there was something deeply twisted and tragic about him. His life was in some ways a Greek tragedy, and that kind of stuff also fascinates and draws people in.
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Re: Michael Jackson alive rumor

Postby XXXG-00W0 WING-0 » Thu May 27, '10, 9:05 pm

I didn't change my views of him when he died.
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