The Earth is Flat!

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The Earth is Flat!

Postby Reno » Wed Feb 6, '08, 11:20 pm

Right, I never knew it either, but it's true! Take a look at the Flat Earth Society's Home Page.

Honestly, I didn't know people with beliefs like this still existed... What could possibly make one think something like this? Complete paranoia and distrust in the governments and all their institutions? I tend to believe only what I've seen, but this is just a wee bit too ridiculous. :wink:

(Seeing how everyone here plays Phantasy Star, I think it's safe to say I'm not offending anyone by posting my opinion on this!)

What do you lot think?
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Postby Celeith » Wed Feb 6, '08, 11:23 pm

Squaresoft / Squarenix should possibly be to blame for some of this. If you play FFVI it tells you the world is square.. We're a giant cube floating in space.. sweet, is jupiter triangular? neptunes a octagon? and the sun is rectangular...
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Postby Thoul » Thu Feb 7, '08, 12:27 am

Honestly, I didn't know people with beliefs like this still existed... What could possibly make one think something like this? Complete paranoia and distrust in the governments and all their institutions? I tend to believe only what I've seen, but this is just a wee bit too ridiculous. :wink:

I don't know... a lot of people believe the governments are lying about many things, ranging from alien ship crashes to assassinations. For some of those people, it's probably not far fetched to believe that there's been a constant conspiracy for hundreds of years.

Thanks for the link. ROFL! That was the funniest thing I've seen all week.
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Postby Celeith » Thu Feb 7, '08, 12:56 am

hah, i read through that and it gave me a laugh.. lets for the sake of these people say the earth "Is" flat. ok then it would be like this, the ground as we know it is the flat part, with the ocean surrounding it on 4 sides, and when in space when you see the earth the sun's shining on it makes a sorta strain on your eye thus the circular shape is seen by the reflection off the water. And if you believe what i just said then >_< we're all doomed...
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Postby Reno » Thu Feb 7, '08, 4:13 am

Kaloes wrote:And if you believe what i just said then >_< we're all doomed...

'Fraid so mate! Oh well, 'twas nice meeting you all! :D

To Thoul: What was in your normal post was completely different from what was in the spoiler tag; that came out of nowhere! :lol:
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Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Feb 7, '08, 5:19 am

Ugh. It's claims like this that just annoys me about really conservative Christians. I wonder if there is a site out there claiming that the sun revolves around the earth. There HAS to be...somewhere.

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Postby Celeith » Thu Feb 7, '08, 5:28 am

I do not approve of getting high. This is just for the sake of the joke.

(Kaloes and a few of the Fringes family are sitting around the table getting high)

Kaloes: So.. you ever wonder what makes the Earth spin?
Tsunami: I don't know.. Maybe we're the ones spinning.
Thoul: No way, its like the sun is spinning around us.
Kaloes: Really, thats sooooo cool man.
Tsunami: (Dozing off)
Sparky III: You ever wonder something?
Thoul: Yo?
Snorb: I know, I know where you're so getting at this..
Sparky III: Shshshshshsh, listen.. You hear that?
Kaloes: .....
Thoul: .....
Tsunami: (Comes back) Whoa, did I just faint?
Sparky: What if.. the universe was the one spinning, and we were the ones never moving.
Tsunami: .... hehe What?
Kaloes: You know what guys?
Thoul: ?
Sparky: hehehe
Tsunami: ehh?
Snorb: *snorts*
Kaloes: We've been talking about stupid stuff like this.. For such a loooong time..

(Tsunami throws a pillow at Kaloes and everyone laughs)
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Postby Reno » Thu Feb 7, '08, 6:00 am

Caged Wolf wrote:Ugh. It's claims like this that just annoys me about really conservative Christians. I wonder if there is a site out there claiming that the sun revolves around the earth. There HAS to be...somewhere.

Magellan is spinning in his grave. :evil:

Meh. I've come across so much crap like this in my many online ventures that I just don't get annoyed by it anymore. After a while, you just start to laugh at how ridiculous everything/everyone can be, and move on.

I can almost guarantee there's a geocentric-sympathisers site out there somewhere, I should try searching sometime.
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Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Feb 7, '08, 3:11 pm

Reno wrote:I can almost guarantee there's a geocentric-sympathisers site out there somewhere, I should try searching sometime.

Oh, there just has to be somewhere. I may actually search at some point too, I'm curious. There must be one somewhere.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Feb 7, '08, 6:43 pm

Interesting site, lol. :rofl:

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