Memorial Day Weekend

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Memorial Day Weekend

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu May 22, '08, 5:07 pm

I just realized that this coming weekend will be Memorial Day weekend. So, Happy Memorial Day everyone! :usa:

How are you planning on spending the weekend, and Memorial Day Holiday itself?

With gas prices as high as they are, it's a bit difficult and costly to plan traveling very much these days, but I hope we get to go a bit any way. We'll see how it goes.

If nothing else, we can always stay home and do yard work or play video games. :bouncy:

And, of course, Memorial Day is a day for remembering all those who have made the supreme sacrifice and have given their lives in service to this country. So certainly remembering them on this day especially, and always.

:usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa:

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Postby Thoul » Sat May 24, '08, 1:39 am

I didn't even realize it was coming up. I don't have any real plans, aside from going to the theater to catch Indy 4. I'll probably spend most of it trying to catch up on work, though.
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Postby Wolf Bird » Sat May 24, '08, 3:51 pm

I have a three day weekend off from work, and I'm probably going to spend most of it playing Brawl since I got a Wii Thursday night. I've almost finished Subspace Emissary, which I did only because it seemed the most efficient way to unlock most of the characters and then I'll go to the right levels to get Jigglypuff, Toon Link and Wolf. Then I'll unlock the rest of the stages and once I have that done, I'll see if I can get online play working to play with my friends from college.

It seems the weather's going to be good here, so I'll also probably do some birdwatching. My grandmother is also visiting for the weekend and my mom is out visiting her parents.
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Postby Thoul » Sun May 25, '08, 7:55 pm

We went out yesterday to visit the graves of my grandparents and some other family members. At one, there was this funny little bird chirping at us and dragging himself around on the ground in a strange way. Eventually we figured out he was trying to lure us away from his nest. Looking around, we found the nest on the ground, right on top of one of the graves we were visiting. It had four little eggs in it. Kind of weird to think that new life is starting in a place associated with the dead, but it gives you a sense of hope, too.
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Postby Qara » Sun May 25, '08, 11:38 pm

I'm taking it easy this weekend. It's a holiday, right. :wink: I might play some video games or watch some movies and we'll probably have a cook-out of some type (ya know hamburgers, steak, stuff like that). Come Tuesday, it's back to the old grind.

Oh yeah, we've got our flag flying in the front of the house in honor of memorial day and all the military people. We have lost some relatives in different Wars and are remembering them too. :cry:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon May 26, '08, 6:26 pm

Well, today is the day we here in the USA celebrate Memorial Day! The actual Memorial Day is on May 30 or 31, I believe. The date was changed several years ago, as were many others, so we could celebrate it on a 3 day weekend.

Did anyone else happen to see President Bush on television giving his speech and laying a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown soilder? I caught a few minutes of it, and it is a very solemn but heartfelt occassion. Especially when they play "Taps" . :salute:

Also, I wanted to remind everyone that we have a quiz related to Memorial Day in our " Quiz " section of the board, if anyone would like to take a few minutes and see how much you know regarding this holiday. It's something fun and learning to do.

Also, here are some more links related to Memorial Day that you might find interesting: ... 079/NEWS01 ... s_Memorial ... y_Memorial

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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon May 29, '23, 2:15 am

Memorial Day weekend this May 2023! Remembering the Fallen! :usa:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun May 26, '24, 11:35 pm

2024 Bump!

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Memorial Day Weekend

Postby myau56 » Mon May 27, '24, 12:11 pm

A very happy Day weekend !! :)
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