MDA Telethon

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MDA Telethon

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 7, '10, 7:06 am

The annual Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon was held again this year over the Labor Day holiday. This year the telethon raised $58.9 Million.


Anyone get to see any of the telethon this year? I usually watch some of it almost every year but this year I missed it entirely.

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Re: MDA Telethon

Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 8, '10, 6:39 am

Eh, it's generally not something I try to watch. This year, I completely forgot about it, though. I guess I was too busy with other things and away from the TV that day.
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Re: MDA Telethon

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Sep 4, '11, 9:06 pm

The MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association) telethon is still on for this year of 2011, however, the show has been shortened to only about 6 hours (from the usual 24-48 hours), AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, Jerry Lewis will not be on there this year from all I have been able to read so far due to his recent seperation from the MDA for some reason (still not known): ... rs.html?nc

This is a very sad situation, imho. I want the telethon to do good, but I also want to see Jerry Lewis...he is so much a part of the telethon. I know Jerry will miss his kids (what he calls the MDA kids). And, being shortened to only 6 hours does not sound good at all.

The MDA telethon was always a must watch around our house over the Labor Day weekend. No matter what we were doing, we always took a few minutes to look in and see how they were doing and what entertainment they had.

Just very sad how things have progressed. We all know that Jerry is getting older and might want to retire some day but to have it all end like this is just plain heartbreaking. :cry:

I look forward to seeing what Jerry, and anyone else, has to say about all this perhaps sometime after the telethon.

Are there any other MDA telethon watchers here, and if so, will you watch the telethon this year?

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Re: MDA Telethon

Postby Thoul » Mon Sep 5, '11, 9:03 pm

I expected these changes to be a sign of trouble for the telethon. With the cut back to six hours, I thought maybe this would be the last year. Apparently it performed better this year than last, however. Maybe there's some life left in it yet.
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Re: MDA Telethon

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 6, '11, 7:50 pm

Yeah, I read that the final total this year was around $61 Million, I think it was, which was about $2 million or so more than last year. However, I find that very hard to believe, if for nothing else than the time factor involved seeing as how there was only 6 hours of telethon compared to about 3 or 4 times that much time in previous years when it was on for a whole day or more and people had more time to call in and make pledges, etc. If they really did that well, then I'm glad, but I still have my doubts. I don't think we've heard the last of this yet.

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Re: MDA Telethon

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Sep 1, '12, 8:47 pm

Well, it's Labor Day weekend once again, however, things have changed drastically with the annual Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon.

For one, it seems Jerry Lewis is still no longer associated with MDA and they have dropped the "telethon" part and changed it to another name completely. Also, this year the show will only be on for 3 hours in some areas and all the entertainment has already been taped. There will be no tote board either...bummer, as that was always one of the highlights of the telethon to see the amount of money raised change from hour to hour, etc.

Sad, sad, sad that it has come down to this after all the wonderful and highly entertaining, and fun Jerry Lewis MDA telethon's over the past many, many years. I for one will miss them dearly.

Here's some articles I found on the upcoming show, etc.: ... n-telethon ... 57512462/1

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: MDA Telethon

Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 5, '12, 3:19 am

Shorter and shorter... I will be surprised if it comes back at all next year. If it does, it may get even shorter. Maybe a hour long? It's a shame. Not only from the entertainment perspective, but the MDA is going to lose a lot of donations from the general public.
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