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 Post subject: Banana warning
PostPosted: Wed Nov 6, '13, 2:20 pm 
If you love bananas like I do, then please be careful before you eat them. After reading the following article I have begun examining my bananas very careful before taking even a first bite. ... sainsburys

Ugh, gross! :yuck:

 Post subject: Re: Banana warning
PostPosted: Wed Nov 6, '13, 5:06 pm 
The good thing is that the baby spiders can't harm people…their fangs probably can't pierce human skin, but it's good that the store paid for the customer to stay in a hotel while his house was fumigated to kill the young ones. But the adults of this particular spider…yeah, they are not friendly, their fangs can pierce your skin and they deliver a very potent venom that yes, can kill you. Doesn't help they're an aggressive species. I remember a report a few years back of this happening in a Whole Foods, but they later identified the spider there as a harmless Huntsman Spider.

Always check your produce before you buy it, especially if it's imported. These things get inspected, but that doesn't mean something like this can't slip by every once in a while.

 Post subject: Re: Banana warning
PostPosted: Thu Nov 7, '13, 11:22 pm 
Man that is disgusting. Not even so much about finding the spider, but the baby spiders coming out of it. Ick.

 Post subject: Re: Banana warning
PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, '13, 9:45 pm 
Impossible to see the article or to view the video (was it a text or a videio ? ) but all those descriptions made by the Phans seems to be really disgusting ! What was it exactly ? Baby spiders inside bananas ? :( And I love bananas ! :(

 Post subject: Re: Banana warning
PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, '13, 12:57 am 
Sorry the story and pic seem to be gone from that site now. Found another article but not sure if it is the same one. I do remember in the other story the pic showed the spiders right on the inside of the bananas on the part to be eaten that is why it was so gross to me. ... ana-bunch/

 Post subject: Re: Banana warning
PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, '13, 5:53 pm 
No need to be sorry ! And thanks for the link ! But after had have take a look...not sure I'll really thank you about it ! :lol: The picture is really...sort of disgusting ! :( Maybe I'll not eat anymore banans ! ^^ No I'm joking but the image is really impressive !

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