McD's sweet potato fries

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McD's sweet potato fries

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 28, '15, 8:38 pm

I read that McDonald's is testing a new product that may go over well with many people, sweet potato fries. Only available in a limited test area right now. Perhaps if they do well then they will be offered everywhere. ... cid=AARDHP

So what do you of sweet potato fries versus regular French fries?

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Re: McD's sweet potato fries

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Nov 7, '15, 6:04 pm

I prefer sweet potato fries over traditional french fries. However, this isn't going to entice me into McDonald's in anyway, as I can get better regular fries and sweet potato fries (and food in general) in other places for perfectly affordable prices.
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