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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, '09, 11:03 pm 
When you go out to eat at McD's, be careful: ... 09.article

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, '09, 1:07 am 
Those tall signs can be really dangerous in high winds. There was one that fell in my area not long ago. It was more of a statue than a sign, but it stood on a really tall pole like McDonalds signs. Strong winds knocked it loose from the cables securing it and it toppled to the ground, breaking parts off. It had been in the lot of a car dealership, but the place went out of business last year, so fortunately no one was around to be hurt.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, '09, 1:34 pm 
Yeah and you can get all that for only a buck! All kidding aside, that's bad to hear..I realize that McD's needs to advertise but I'm sure there's some better way to post a sign up and not have it become a hazard to the customers you're trying to bring in.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, '09, 7:24 pm 
There's actually a Burger King sign not too far from campus that got halfway blown out by a windstorm a few weeks back. These things can be hazardous, and there's a bit of proof. But just about anything can be blown down with enough wind. Like trees, and we can't cut down all the trees, so I don't know what really can be done.

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