McD's secret sauce for Big Macs

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McD's secret sauce for Big Macs

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jul 12, '12, 3:35 am

Is not much of a secret any more since a McDonald's person is showing exactly how to make it...ingredients and all..: ... aled-video

Sounds delicious....I luv Big Macs!!! :yes:

Also sounds too good to be true...can't believe they would let their sauce ingredients become this well known!!!! :blank:

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Re: McD's secret sauce for Big Macs

Postby myau56 » Thu Jul 12, '12, 1:04 pm

I love Big Mac's too ! They are usually very secret so that's really strange, you're right !
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Re: McD's secret sauce for Big Macs

Postby Thoul » Thu Jul 12, '12, 10:32 pm

Surprising that McDonald's would reveal that much detail on how to make a Big Mac. It sounds fairly easy to replicate the whole burger, based on the video. I have to wonder if the restaurants really use ingredients of the same quality available in a regular grocery store, though. A homemade Big Mac probably wouldn't have the same taste to it.
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