Diet Pepsi changes

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Diet Pepsi changes

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 20, '12, 3:09 am

Diet Pepsi is changing something in their drinks. They are changing sweetners: ... =ansnews11

Presently, I don't drink Pepsi. Although lately I've been thinking of switching from Coke to Pepsi because of various circumstances that I won't go into here.

However, I hope this doesn't turn out the same way that Coke's famous change did when Coke changed their product a few years ago and it upset so many people that it eventually had to be changed again I think.

Any Pepsi drinkers here? If so, do you prefer plain or diet Pepsi??

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Re: Diet Pepsi changes

Postby Oakley2284 » Thu Dec 20, '12, 3:39 am

Normally, when i drink pepsi, I drink the plain one... But it doesn't matter for me, if we only have the Diet one, i'll drink it ^^
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Re: Diet Pepsi changes

Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 21, '12, 12:07 am

I'm not a Pepsi drinker myself, I could never get used to the taste of it. Still, I think all the major soda companies learned from Coke's mistake. With a resulting outcry that big, none of them should ever be forgetting it when considering changes to their formula. So, I expect the taste is probably about the same. :)
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Re: Diet Pepsi changes

Postby Flames of Yagami » Tue Jan 8, '13, 4:35 am

I don't drink Diet Pepsi (or plain, for that matter,) very often, so i don't think I'll notice any huge changes.

As for the whole Coke vs. Pepsi thing, I'm generally a Coke person, but I prefer Cherry Pepsi over Cherry Coke. Pretty weird, huh?
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Re: Diet Pepsi changes

Postby myau56 » Tue Jan 8, '13, 12:30 pm

I sometimes drink pepsi but not very often (same about Coca Cola !) but diet one : no thank you ! All the diet colas aren't very good at all in my opinion... :(
And I would like to add : for me Pepsi and Coca have the same taste ! :lol: I know that a lot of people are going to "hate me" but I can't really distinguish the two tastes ! ^^
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