Coke's new ads

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Coke's new ads

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jan 16, '13, 2:40 am

Coca Cola will have some new ads soon: ... 42748.html

It's a pity they even have to address this issue of obesity due to the consumption of soft drinks, etc., in my opinion. I mean, if people want to watch their weight then most likely they will by choosing a diet drink or water....and if they don't or are not very concerned about the matter then they will choose to drink what they choose. Simple as that, I think.

Most people can be responsible and make the right choices. Of course there is always going to be that small percentage that won't matter what anyone says or does.

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Re: Coke's new ads

Postby Thoul » Thu Jan 17, '13, 11:19 am

Regardless of whether or not Coke is part of the obesity problem, maybe they're thinking about how they can be part of the solution. Perhaps they can use these ads to help educate people to consume calories in moderation and exercise appropriately.
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Re: Coke's new ads

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 17, '13, 12:31 pm

Obesity problem isn't onlt tied to Coca Cola and thaat sort of drink/food ! But maybe that's a good way to try to concerned some people about it ? :)
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