McD over Burker King ?

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McD over Burker King ?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue May 19, '09, 12:03 am

I heard the other day on Fox & Friends morning news show that it looks like McDonald's may be winning the fast food war over Burger King lately. It seems some folks are not too thrilled with the latest Burger King ad (with the King and some gals shaking their booties) while at the same time McD's are advertising their dollar menu ads which go a long way to help in these troubled economic times.

What do you think......McD or BK?

Also, do you think people really pay that much attention to the advertisements or commercials of fast food places to begin with, and in deciding where and what food they will eat?

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Re: McD over Burker King ?

Postby Thoul » Tue May 19, '09, 12:17 am

I don't think people pay that much attention to the advertisements. If there's a good deal, like the dollar menu things, that might influence people. And of course the ads aimed at kids, dealing with the latest toys or whatever, can get children to influence their parents and such. But other than that, I don't think the advertisements make much difference unless someone is inclined to go for the fast food already.
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Re: McD over Burker King ?

Postby Wolf Bird » Tue May 19, '09, 12:20 am

Personally, I avoid both as much as I can. Really, the only time I eat fast food is for a quick lunch when traveling.

On ads...I would hope TV ads don't influence people too much. And if they do, I hope it's only to the extent that Thoul described.
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Re: McD over Burker King ?

Postby Darkil » Wed May 27, '09, 8:46 pm

I always stick by that McD has better fries and BK has the better burgers
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Re: McD over Burker King ?

Postby Rune_Walsh » Wed May 27, '09, 9:52 pm

I don't eat at either place, but if I do eat "fast food" it's either Subway or Quiznos. Yay for sammiches - weeee!
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Re: McD over Burker King ?

Postby Srijita » Thu May 28, '09, 12:08 am

I take it that is American slang for a sandwich? Learn something new every day. Here in the UK "sarnie" appears to be common usage.
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Re: McD over Burker King ?

Postby Lemina » Thu May 28, '09, 12:22 am

You wouldn't think that ads on TV would influence the public very much--but it might. Commercials are expensive, so I don't think that McDonald's and BK would invest in them for nothing. But that's just me. :wink:

Hmm, I personally think that BK has the better food. However, it's food is also more calorie heavy, I've heard. XDD


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Re: McD over Burker King ?

Postby Thoul » Thu May 28, '09, 6:09 am

Darkil wrote:I always stick by that McD has better fries and BK has the better burgers

I absolutely cannot stand BK fries. I'd take McD fries over them any day of the week. Of course, I'd also have to take a large drink, because McD seems to dump buckets of salt on their fries, but eh...
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Re: McD over Burker King ?

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Wed Jun 24, '09, 7:57 am

I'll eat at both. But then again, the only fast food burger place I won't touch is a wendy's. Something about square patties throws me off.
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Re: McD over Burker King ?

Postby Tweeg » Wed Jun 24, '09, 1:41 pm

I thought the BK ad in question was rather in poor taste (pun intended). Still prefer their burgers, shakes and onion rings to those of McD's any day of the week. I've more or less shunned McDonald's food ever since the great Beanie Baby rush of... whatever year that was. Not long after the voluntary boycotting of their food began I ran across something that absolutely turned my stomach.

Happened while I was cleaning out my sister's car back in '01. Apparently she had never cleaned it in all the years she's had it. And that's where I made the discovery, dateable food. Bags containing leftover McDonalds food in the trunk of her car that dated back to the mid-90's. Burgers, fries, chicken McNuggets, it all still looked fresh and smelled normal! :ill:

Since then I've only eaten at McDonald's twice. Both of those times being simply for the purpose of being sociable with the persons I was meeting with there.

Don't eat at them often due to the expense, my my two favorite fast food restaurants are Chik-fil-a and Hardee's.
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