McD Lamb Burger

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McD Lamb Burger

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Aug 31, '12, 1:41 pm

McDonald's has a new Lamb Burger in their restaurants in Australia: ... 33391.html

What will these people think of next...and do we even want to know??

The Billboard with the "Mary had a little lamb" nursery rhyme may be going a little too far.....yes or no??

What really gets me most about this whole article though is the price of this Lamb Burger....$8.35.....WOW!!!! That's a heckuva price for a burger!!!

Would anyone eat one of these Lamb burgers???? Seriously, I don't think I could do it ....especially after thinking about that nursery rhyme. :yaknow:

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Re: McD Lamb Burger

Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 5, '12, 6:45 am

The billboard is kind of catchy. That is really expensive for a burger, so I wouldn't try it. Even the smaller, $3 one is a bit more than I'd like to pay. It might go over well with some folks, but I'll pass.
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Re: McD Lamb Burger

Postby myau56 » Wed Jan 2, '13, 10:02 pm

I'll pass too ! Too expensive, even if the burger seems to be tasty and good ! And lamb meat is a good opportunity to change from beef ! :)
But even at 3 dollars, that's very expensive...
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