Mario game in cereal commercial

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Mario game in cereal commercial

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Nov 8, '14, 2:45 am

While watching TV the other evening I happened to see a cereal commercial where the adults in the commercial were supposedly playing video games (they even had the sound of the Mario game in the commercial. Has anyone else seen this commercial? I did a google search and found it online also: ... he-awesome

Interesting point in some of the comments below the article in that they say this was the Mario title screen, so how could they be playing the game then, lol.

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Re: Mario game in cereal commercial

Postby Icecypher » Sat Nov 8, '14, 8:46 am

Just this week I was thinking that, if I direct a short movie someday, I would like to use Phantasy Star graphics with Final Fantasy music, while the characters will mention they are playing Dragon Quest.

I thought of this precisely because all the times movies show someone "playing" a video game, but we get sounds from Pac-Man, or some other old game that many people (even our parents) might recognize. They must also get it on some "generic video game sounds" licensing package, so that is what they use.

It ends up being very stupid to people who actually recognize the games, but it is widely used. So it might be fun to do it on purpose, as well.
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Re: Mario game in cereal commercial

Postby Bragatyr » Sun Nov 9, '14, 4:33 pm

I love this commercial. That is a funny point, Icecypher. I remember thinking the same thing when watching The Wizard. It's funny how awful most references to video game culture are in popular media (or any subculture, really).

Also, Silver Surfer, I love your avatar, I've never seen that with the shoryuken to the question block, that's awesome!
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Re: Mario game in cereal commercial

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Nov 11, '14, 12:44 am

Bragatyr wrote:Also, Silver Surfer, I love your avatar, I've never seen that with the shoryuken to the question block, that's awesome!

Thanks Bragatyr! I'm glad you like it. :)

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