Coke's new milk

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Coke's new milk

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Nov 25, '14, 1:34 am

Coke is coming out with a new type of milk which they say will cost twice as much as regular milk.....would you try or buy this new milk product? ... cid=AARDHP

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Re: Coke's new milk

Postby Solar » Thu Nov 27, '14, 7:34 pm

Nope. Milk's expensive enough as it is. Besides, I'm lactose intolerant.
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Re: Coke's new milk

Postby Zio_Falz » Tue Dec 2, '14, 3:33 am

I doubt the double price is commensurate to quality.
I'll take dairy milk any day over a questionable processed milk.
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Re: Coke's new milk

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Dec 2, '14, 11:04 pm

I found another article about this new milk from Coke. There was quite an uproar it seems because they were supposedly using women only clothed in milk to advertise the product as I understood it. Check this out: ... 97943.html

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Re: Coke's new milk

Postby Tanith » Wed Dec 3, '14, 10:37 am

Those ads. Wow. I don't really care about the milk splash clothing. It's kind of neat, although the poses made me roll my eyes. Sexy blonde pinup girls. As if that hasn't been done to death. Anyway, what makes me go "wow" is the presence of the scale. As if women didn't already have enough hangups over their weight. Thanks, Coca-Cola.
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Re: Coke's new milk

Postby Solar » Wed Dec 3, '14, 11:56 am

I fail to see how this kind of advertising is sexist. All I see is pin-up girls with their mouths wide open. Seriously, those expressions take away whatever potential for sexiness there might otherwise be in the pictures.

No, I'm not still interested in buying double price milk from a megacompany that has been involved in severe ethical issues lately.
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Re: Coke's new milk

Postby Tanith » Wed Dec 3, '14, 12:44 pm

It's not the poses or the lack of real clothing, it's the inclusion of the bathroom scale. I really don't want to get into why the scale sends a very clear and sexist message, but as a woman I can tell you that most ads geared toward my demographic are designed around maintaining an unrealistic standard of beauty, and it gets OLD.
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Re: Coke's new milk

Postby Solar » Wed Dec 3, '14, 4:04 pm

I see. So it's not only lacking in sexual appeal (which was its intended purpose from what I gather), it's also tasteless. This advertising campaign is indeed a trainwreck. I guess I'll avoid Coke products even more consciously from now on.
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Re: Coke's new milk

Postby Tanith » Wed Dec 3, '14, 4:40 pm

Solar wrote:I see. So it's not only lacking in sexual appeal (which was its intended purpose from what I gather), it's also tasteless. This advertising campaign is indeed a trainwreck.
Yeah, "trainwreck" is a good summation. I'd like to add that "Drink what she's wearing" and "Better milk looks good on you" are seriously gross statements. *shudder*
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Re: Coke's new milk

Postby Zio_Falz » Thu Dec 4, '14, 12:28 am

While I found the adverts amusing, I won't be buying this stuff on the sole basis that this "engineered milk" just cannot be good for you. Same reasons why I won't eat mc donalds or potato chips.
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