May Day

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Re: May Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 2, '12, 10:13 pm

Well, from what I've read in the news here in the USA this morning, it seems May Day yesterday was met here with a lot of different protests, etc. Offhand I don't really know what the people were protesting, but it seems it is always something.

Oh well, that's life, I guess.

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Re: May Day

Postby myau56 » Wed May 2, '12, 10:17 pm

Yes, people are often (always?) complaining ...But it's their right to do so .. so ! ;)
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Re: May Day

Postby Apprentice_of_Crys » Wed May 2, '12, 10:30 pm

Well, here are some protests, too. I am not an expert in politics, but I assumae the reason is probably because it is the day of the labor movement. Therefore, for example the German labor unions often tend to demonstrate against unfair and terrible working conditions on May 1st. Yet, I don't know if the protests in the United States Silver_Surfer mentioned were dealing with this subject, too.
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Re: May Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 2, '12, 10:45 pm

Well, to give you some idea of what was going on the USA on May Day yesterday, here is a link with one story on events that took place: ... UV20120502

Sounds horrible overall to me atleast.

myau56 wrote:Yes, people are often (always?) complaining ...But it's their right to do so .. so !

I agree it is the people's right to have protest marches, etc., if they feel a cause is sufficent, however, those protests should be peaceful protests. When a group gets together and they start breaking windows and destroying property, etc., then they are nothing better than a gang, in my opinion, and they are breaking the law and should be arrested as any other criminal. They are also not helping to get their original message over very well either as their destructive deeds have replaced that original, probably very important, message in almost everyone elses minds. Sad.

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Re: May Day

Postby Apprentice_of_Crys » Wed May 2, '12, 11:08 pm

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:I agree it is the people's right to have protest marches, etc., if they feel a cause is sufficent, however, those protests should be peaceful protests. When a group gets together and they start breaking windows and destroying property, etc., then they are nothing better than a gang, in my opinion, and they are breaking the law and should be arrested as any other criminal. They are also not helping to get their original message over very well either as their destructive deeds have replaced that original, probably very important, message in almost everyone elses minds. Sad.

That's true. I see what you mean, especially about these riots erasing the original message of the protests. Thanks for the link although it wasn't pleasant to read since I usually know May 1st as a really joyful day. So far, I cannot remember a really violent May 1st protest in Germany. Probably I just never heard of them.
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Re: May Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu May 3, '12, 2:40 am

Apprentice_of_Crys wrote:That's true. I see what you mean, especially about these riots erasing the original message of the protests. Thanks for the link although it wasn't pleasant to read since I usually know May 1st as a really joyful day. So far, I cannot remember a really violent May 1st protest in Germany. Probably I just never heard of them.

Maybe the protests/celebrations are peaceful over there where you are. I certainly hope so. I'm glad you enjoy the day. For the most part, I think it's that way over here too that the majority of people enjoy the day and celebrate it peacefully. However, there are always going to be those particular groups who do things like in the above news stories and they are the ones who are going to be focused on in the newspapers, TV, etc. Shouldn't be that way, but it's news, I guess.

Anyway, I'm happy you enjoyed the day! That's super good news to me! :)

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Re: May Day

Postby Thoul » Thu May 3, '12, 3:07 am

Apprentice_of_Crys wrote:I use to celebrate May Day / Labours Day every year :) In Germany it is an officially part of the holidays. Usually means no school, no university, no work (of course, the hospital staff, police and other workers still have to do their job). The "classic" May Day (at least as far as I know) is celebrated with wandering and having a good time. Yesterday, I met with around 25 very close and good friends in the morning (10 a.m.) and we wandered about five hours through the beautiful forests and small hills. We pulled to "toy wagons" with us, loaded with drinks, and in the afternoon we had a nice barbeque party in the garden of a friend.
It is usually one of these days you can really look foward to, especiallys since you often have the chance to reunite with friends or familiy members.

That sounds like a great way to spend a spring Holiday. I wish we had a celebration like that in the US. Exploring the area like that sounds very fun.
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Re: May Day

Postby myau56 » Sat May 5, '12, 10:38 am

SS : I totally agree with you about the people who manifest and then break down all : they must be considered as gang members and arrested : their cause isn't sevred in those ways...
Peace and love ! (peace is sufficent ;))
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Re: May Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon May 2, '16, 3:18 pm

Well, I think yesterday, Sunday, May 1, 2016 was May Day. Since it was a weekend day, I did not hear much about it and heard nothing about any protests such as was mentioned taking place in previous years above, so maybe that is all over with. I certainly hope so. Anyway, hopefully everyone that celebrates this day had a joyful day. And, if you are celebrating it today on Monday, then have a great celebration!

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: May Day

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon May 1, '17, 6:19 pm

First day of May 2017 and although not an official holiday here in the USA many are celebrating the day as May Day, or Law Day, or Loyalty Day, and even in some parts of the world as Labours Day. More explanation on all these days/holidays, etc., can be found in some of the posts and links up above.

Whatever reason you celebrate or recognize this day, have a Happy Day!! :)

I read that some people will be doing what makes them happiest by protesting different causes throughout the day. Whatever! :wink:

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