Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms Trailer

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Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms Trailer

Postby R-90-2 » Tue Jul 15, '14, 3:38 pm

So, China is apparently getting a little bit serious about animation.

So, apparently this is the first animated feature that has really been advertised outside of China in some time. The film is set to be something of an adaptation of Fengshen Yanyi, a Ming Dynasty-era novel that is a fantastical retelling of the end of the Shang Dynasty, where the corrupt and tyrannical King Zhou of Shang is overthrown by Ji Chang, aided by the old sage Jiang Ziya. both sides are aided by factions of the gods who support wither side, as well as numerous spirits, demons, and other sorcerers. The film is due sometime in 2016.

One of the centerpieces of the trailer is Master Jiang fishing by the river, which is probably one of the most famous anecdotes of the novel- fishing by the river with no bait ad a straight hook, because he is not angling for fish, but a worthy lord.
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Re: Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms Trailer

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jul 15, '14, 4:39 pm

Wow, that is an awesome video. Really intriguing. I had no problem getting into that, lol, and wanting to see more. Can't wait to see and hear more about this hopefully as time goes on and in 2016. I predict it will be a super hit.

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Re: Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms Trailer

Postby Bragatyr » Tue Jul 15, '14, 10:02 pm

Looks awesome, I'll definitely be curious to hear more about it.
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Re: Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms Trailer

Postby Thoul » Wed Jul 16, '14, 6:51 am

The animation is quite impressive. It looks like it'll be a good film to send abroad and spread a bit of the culture in a popular format. Although, I don't know how much historical culture one could get from this - looks like the "gods" aspect is going to be a major factor, going by that trailer. Still, that looked like a nicely done epic battle!
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