Marijuana vending machines

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Marijuana vending machines

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jan 30, '08, 7:21 pm

Now they have pot in vending machines in LA. For medical purposes, of course. :wink: What will they think of next?

And, while we're on the subject, what do you think of marijuana being legalized for medical purposes, etc.?

If it's not legalized, then these pot machines would be against the law, right? :hmm:

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Postby SparkyIII » Wed Jan 30, '08, 11:31 pm

That is proabably the lamest idea yet.

So your in the medical room right, and you're operating on a serious condition. The doctor tells you to get some for some medical procedure, and to be back as soon as possible. So then you go out into the hall and discover you don't have change for a 50! What do you do!? lol
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Postby Shinuzzo » Thu Jan 31, '08, 8:09 am

Or worse the marijuana gets stuck like the crack vending machine on Futurama.
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Postby Thoul » Thu Jan 31, '08, 8:21 pm

They say it's only for medical purposes, but I think this could easily be abused. Either through fake documents or perhaps someone robbing a person that just used the machine.

And, while we're on the subject, what do you think of marijuana being legalized for medical purposes, etc.?

If it has valid uses as a medicine (I haven't looked into it), then I see no problem with that. It's not like it would be the first potentially addictive but legal medicine.

If it's not legalized, then these pot machines would be against the law, right? :hmm:

Well, I expect it must be legal in that area, or the machines wouldn't have been installed.
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Postby Celeith » Thu Jan 31, '08, 9:19 pm

Alright everyone to LA *forms a line and the whole Fringes team marches* We're gonna knock them all down!!
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