Sonic 4 announced

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Sonic 4 announced

Postby Thoul » Sat Feb 6, '10, 5:13 pm

So, Sega has decided to revive the classic Sonic series and gameplay with the recent announcement of Sonic the Hedgehog 4. It's coming to WiiWare and other downloadable formats this year. They're planning to release the game in several episodes. Rumor has it each episode is the length of a full classic Sonic game.

Anyone interested in playing this new installment? Do you think this game, probably prompted by the success of other retro series returning (like Mega Man), could mean there is still hope for a new classic Phantasy Star?
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Re: Sonic 4 announced

Postby Darkil » Sat Feb 6, '10, 5:42 pm

The New Super Mario Bros might've prompted this as well....but yes I'd certainly get my grubby hands on this. I love Sonic and since it has classic gameplay it will be a must have for me. I hope and pray this will spur on a new classic Phantasy Star as they are long overdue for one!
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Re: Sonic 4 announced

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Feb 6, '10, 5:58 pm

I watched a trailer. It looks like classic Sonic. This is good, as I am TOTALLY sick of all the random arbitrary characters that have diluted the franchise, as well all the other terrible ideas they came up with (werehog...really? REALLY?)
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Re: Sonic 4 announced

Postby xellos667 » Sat Feb 6, '10, 7:10 pm

I'm very happy with this annoucement. But yes, I admit that when I saw that, I thought to myself "Good job Sega, now can you please revive the classic Phantasy Star series???" This will surely not happen, but we can always dream no?
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Re: Sonic 4 announced

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Feb 6, '10, 9:12 pm

This is good news, especially for Sonic fans. I think the older classic games are mostly proven to be tried and true, so I'm not surprised that they seem to be bringing them back.

And, yes, I'd say there is always hope for a return of Phantasy Star also, especially now more than ever maybe.

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Re: Sonic 4 announced

Postby Atlinsmere » Sun Feb 7, '10, 4:12 am


This is from another topic here on this board. It contains the other trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

Thoul, if you want you could merge them. Or just be lazy and leave it be. But either way, I can't wait for this Sonic 4. I wouldn't mind a few other classic games to make a return. Of course, Phantasy Star bing one of them. Sadly though, I don't see it being in the Algo universe. But we can at least hope for a brand new Turn-based Phantasy Star right?
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Re: Sonic 4 announced

Postby Lucas » Sun Feb 7, '10, 4:56 am

That is awesome news. I’d have to agree with Darkil that the New Super Mario Bros. brought up this idea. When I ever I get a Wii I’ll have too look into Sonic 4. Hopefully Sega does decide to create another classic styled Phantasy Star game too with this kind of idea. :wink:

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Re: Sonic 4 announced

Postby Thoul » Sun Feb 7, '10, 7:22 pm

Atlinsmere wrote:Thoul, if you want you could merge them.

I don't see a need for that. The two topics may have Sonic 4 in common, but they took different slants.
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Re: Sonic 4 announced

Postby Rune_Walsh » Tue Feb 9, '10, 1:50 am

Sweet news, I like Sonic!

I do hope this means for a Phantasy Star comeback. I mean, why not a PSV, which was actually a possibility (right? Wasn't it?) I mean... a return of Rune Walsh! Or, er, another Lutz, at least... :D
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Re: Sonic 4 announced

Postby xellos667 » Wed Feb 10, '10, 4:29 pm

It was indeed a possibility, as Rieko Kodama said that they had a brainstorming session after the end of IV, with question something about the opposite force of Profound Darkness being one theme that could be talked about in the next game (or something like that)...though it never came to be. I would like to see them continue Algo stories, maybe in a brand new cycle without Dark Force, but there's still idea that can be used.

Anyway, it didnt took long before all the "so-called" fans of Sonic everywhere started * around this 3 "seconds of gameplay" trailer. How Sonic running animation looked bad, how this whole "episode 1" was a stupid idea (even though everyone love Sonic 3 & Knucles), etc..., etc...Can we wait a little bit to know more about the game before talking trash about it? (I'm not talking about this forum, just the reaction I'm seeing in a lot of others)
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