Lutz: Rolf, you can't return again! Spoiler, uh, spoiler.

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Lutz: Rolf, you can't return again! Spoiler, uh, spoiler.

Postby Zio_Falz » Sat Nov 15, '14, 11:06 am

So our heroes do their dutiful duties and bring peace for everyone. except themselves.
"Lutz: Rolf, you can't return again!"

Had our heroes known that they were being sent on a suicide mission, would they have even went at all?

Rolf? Sad, lonely 20 year old, dead parents, dead cat girl soon enough, learns megid which isnt quite a peaceful technique---and even halves your team's HP. And Maybe due to peer pressure from that 2000 year old guy who wreaked him with guilt, duty, etc.

Nei? I doubt she woulda even left home day one if she knew it was her death contract.

Rudo? Sure, he hasnt much to live for.

Amy? I'm pretty sure she wanted to heal and heklp people. Kinda hard to do that when dead.

Anna? No idea, if those who give up are doomed, then what exactly is suicide besides giving up, giving in?

Hugh? He is a biologist Half of his studies creatures try to poison and kill him. Ambivalent if anything.

Kain? The team is lucky he didnt cause the mota to dezo spaceship to blow up, muchless Noah the ship, whether he would have intently destroyed the ships or not.

Shir? You can't very well steal an earthship if several hundred earthmen kill you.

after reading this, well, I guess so. theyre quite messed up personally.

at least Lutz can get a good night's rest.
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Re: Lutz: Rolf, you can't return again! Spoiler, uh, spoile

Postby Bragatyr » Sat Nov 15, '14, 3:08 pm

Good question. It's always hard to sell me on the idea that ordinary people would give up their lives for a mission such as the one in question. That's what I thought was so silly about the ending to (Alien series movie spoilers) Prometheus. Soldiers are asked to do so, and trained to prepare for it, and even they are not perfect machines in most cases. Then again, the fate of the world was at stake for this one, so even someone like Amy who wanted to help people would have to weigh the good of her life against the well-being of the world.
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Re: Lutz: Rolf, you can't return again! Spoiler, uh, spoile

Postby augmentedfourth » Sat Nov 15, '14, 3:24 pm

I agree with a lot of your assessments. To me, it seems like Amy, Kain, and Shir would be the most ticked off at getting unwittingly sucked into a suicide mission, as they didn't have some deep, dark past like a lot of the rest of the team. Shir in particular I can see as being especially peeved - she joined Rolf & Co. for fun, and it's not like she ever has this great character development or personal revelation about helping people or fighting for the greater good.
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Re: Lutz: Rolf, you can't return again! Spoiler, uh, spoile

Postby Zio_Falz » Sun Nov 16, '14, 3:37 am

Bragatyr wrote:Good question. It's always hard to sell me on the idea that ordinary people would give up their lives for a mission such as the one in question. That's what I thought was so silly about the ending to (Alien series movie spoilers) Prometheus. Soldiers are asked to do so, and trained to prepare for it, and even they are not perfect machines in most cases.

exactly. i'm a former military man, and i can very much concur tht soldiers, despite receiving monetary compensation and other benefits to lay their life on the line and die, well, many soldiers would rather not. i'd rather not see them die, either.

so assuming that Rolf is the only one with a steady job, at least, in the beginning, sure it's his job to die "to restore peace to the planet algol" per the ominous narrator's words paraphrased,if you fail. but rolf doesnt fail. he loses his job, thanks to mother brain, and more or less, while his colleagues are trained, they're as jobless as the apostles are as well.

So now given that, why would a bunch of jobless people who have some sort of socioeconomic or simply personality disorders if the DSM axis 1 and 2 existed in algol---fight with the intent to die by proxy?maybe they didnt mind a suicide mission.

But that makes Lutz quite the bad man for manipulating these fragile souls into that direction then.
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Re: Lutz: Rolf, you can't return again! Spoiler, uh, spoile

Postby Icecypher » Sun Dec 21, '14, 8:05 pm

What if maybe Shilka could see this as the perfect (and final) opportunity to end things with a bang? If we go to the extreme with her, she was very bored of the world and its routine. This mission would mean the ultimate in anti-routine ever. :yes:

And I think Nei would have gone even if she knew she would die, as long as she knew it would mean protecting Rolf/Yousis. :(
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Re: Lutz: Rolf, you can't return again! Spoiler, uh, spoile

Postby Snorb » Sun Dec 21, '14, 9:53 pm

Commander of Motavia: So... that's the explanation? A massive three-headed demon was possessing Mother Brain and the last survivors of a race like ours.
Kain: An' don't ya forget that we had t' kill e'ery last one-a' em!
Anna: (sharp elbow to Kain's guts)
Kain: Ah mean... yuuuup. x_<
Commander: So, what happened to Mother Brain?
Kain: Wells, we lost her when Rudo shot 'er in th' face with a shotgun a couple dozen times, an'--
Rolf: Kain, c'mon. We need an official record; nobody's gonna believe the real story.
Kain: Ah mean, she broke.
Commander: And the Earthmen?
Kain: Oh mah Gawd, that was a battle 'n a half! They wanted t' take Miss Amy an' Miss Shir away "fer breedin' purposes," so Anna started goin' all prayin' mantis on 'em with her boomerangs and Hugh started bashin' in skulls wit' his maces, and Rudo 'n Ah were havin' a competition t' see who could blast more Earthmen, an' Miss Shir stabbed a couple dozen 'a 'em in th' spine! Miss Amy even tripped a couple 'a 'em.
Rolf, Rudo, Amy, Anna, and Shir: (DEATH GLARE)
Amy: What he meant to say was "everybody on Noah was long dead before we got there."
Commander: And as for Hugh?
Rolf: Died when Mother Brain blew up.
Hugh: Rolf, really, this has gone on long enough. You said, and I quote, "Welp, being a leader is hard work, and sometimes sacrifices need to be made, I vote we send someone through the meatgrinder and distract the Earthmen so the rest of us can see this through. Heads, it's that stupid biologist with the stupid scarf, tails, it's that farmboy hick with the dopey accent. Alright, call it."
Shir: I stole the coin. XD
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Re: Lutz: Rolf, you can't return again! Spoiler, uh, spoile

Postby myau56 » Sat Feb 25, '17, 4:55 pm

Hard to tell if all the characters were really aware of what was going to happen to them later...:(
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