Longest Game

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Longest Game

Postby Thoul » Sat Oct 20, '07, 9:33 am

What is the longest amount of time you've ever put into a game? It doesn't have to be in one sitting, but just how long it took you to play through it all together.

My longest so far is probably Rogue Galaxy, which says I've logged over 100 hours on my first playthrough. I haven't even finished it yet, either! Another long one was Final Fantasy 3 (US version). I rented it, but I had to keep re-renting it for a week to finish it. I still didn't do everything in that.
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Postby Tsunami » Sat Oct 20, '07, 4:26 pm

Interesting topic. I'd say that it depends on the game and if it has an in-game clock or not.

So, using a clock for a reference, I remember playing FFVII and hitting the 99:59 mark purely because of chocobo breeding. Who cares about finishing it anyways? Been there, done that, and Sephy's pathetically easy! :p But yes, I got bored and stopped playing that.

When playing DWVII, I got over 100 hours on that, too (the clock goes above 100, which is good I suppose :D). I think I finished it around 110 hours...dunno, but I did spend a lot of time on it.

Currently, I'm still playing BoF3. As I went through the final city in the game, I maxed out my time at 99:59 and I'm just levelling there now until I can go back to the Container Yard and kill the Archmages and Berserkers no problem. I guess you could say that's a goal of mine, at the moment, rather than beating the game itself (which I fully intend on doing).

I know when playing Star Ocean 2 that I had a high time on that, but I can't recall what it was. I may play through it again after finishing BoF3, since it's a pretty fun RPG.

One game that I'm wishing had a timer is PSII -- I always spent so much time on that game, and to have a good guess for all the hours I put in it would be nice! :lol:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 20, '07, 5:56 pm

Honestly, I have no idea. I don't pay very much attention to time when I am playing a game. I don't think I have ever played through a whole game in one setting, though. Well, maybe I have but only after I have already previously played the game and know it very well so can hurry through it, so to speak.

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Postby Thoul » Sat Oct 20, '07, 6:08 pm

The mention of Star Ocean reminds me that I've put a lot of time into Star Ocean 3, too. I've actually restarted the game several times and never finished for various reasons, but counting all the plays I should have around 90-100 hours or higher on that one, too.

I do wish more of the older games had clocks built in like most RPGs today. It would be interesting to go back and see how much time we sunk in those. :lol:
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Postby Neithird » Sun Oct 21, '07, 9:34 am

I put a lot of time into Dragon Quest 8. I'm not sure how much, but close to or over 100 hours. There is a lot of level grinding involved to defeat the after-game boss.

That is my record, or the most I remember. Some other RPGs have gotten me long play times too. Most of them topped around 60-80 hours.
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Postby Atolm » Tue Oct 23, '07, 10:53 pm

Morrowind and Oblivion are the toppers here, with each game at over 100 hours, maybe 150 hours or close to 200 hours. Still not done with them either. Lots of quests and mods to keep me busy.
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Postby Neithird » Wed Oct 24, '07, 12:34 pm

Wow, 200 hours... that's really impressive! Not many games can keep anyone coming back for that much play time.
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Re: Longest Game

Postby LordShibas » Tue Nov 6, '07, 1:34 am

Thoul wrote:My longest so far is probably Rogue Galaxy, which says I've logged over 100 hours on my first playthrough.

How was Rogue Galaxy Thoul? I have not played it yet, but it's one of those games that gets mixed reviews from people on RPG boards. Some seem to like it, others seem to hate it with a passion.

As for my longest game. I'm only talking about single playthroughs here, since there are many games I have played multiple times, and I have played MMOs for six month stretches before.

The longest I ever spent going through a standard game was Xenogears, which took me 72 hours the first time, and when I played it a second time, it took me 67 hours to beat. Even though it's two generations old, Xenogears still has the most incredible story I have ever seen in a game. Nothing else even comes close.

Speaking of long games, I just finished Tales of Phantasia for GBA, and it took me 48 hours, which is maybe my second longest game playthrough. I didn't even do any sidequests either.
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Nov 6, '07, 1:42 am


Excuse me for that outburst, in the Final Fantas series, just one game
FF10=more than 99:99:99
This one is the seconds: ^
XDDDDD Thats just with FF10, I'm not talking about 7,8, or 10-2, just one of them... IMAGINE ALL 4!!!! *dies of laughter, and no one goes to the funeral*
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Re: Longest Game

Postby Thoul » Tue Nov 6, '07, 5:17 am

LordShibas wrote:How was Rogue Galaxy Thoul? I have not played it yet, but it's one of those games that gets mixed reviews from people on RPG boards. Some seem to like it, others seem to hate it with a passion.

It's good if you like the battle system. The story is very lackluster with many plot points left unresolved or poorly handled. But, the dungeons are long and there are some time consuming side quests. Have you played Dark Cloud or Dark Cloud 2? This game has a lot of elements incorporated from those.
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