Longest Cat dies

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Longest Cat dies

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Feb 7, '13, 1:50 am

A cat named Stewie who was a record breaking longest domestic cat in the world has died. Stewie was 8 years old and about four feet in length. Farewell Stewie, may you rest in peace!! :tombstone: :rose:

http://news.yahoo.com/stewie-worlds-lon ... 26036.html

Beautiful Cat!!!

Although I've never much thought about the length of Cats before. Hmmm, I wonder how long some of my cats are??? I can see the cats cringeing as I dig out the ole ruler or measuring tape, lol!! :wink:

Anyone else ever measured their cat in lenth??

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Re: Longest Cat dies

Postby Thoul » Thu Feb 7, '13, 2:53 pm

I never thought about the length of a cat. After seeing that picture, I wouldn't bother measuring mine. They're just normal cats, not exceptionally long like that one. That's not going to be a common length by any means.
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Re: Longest Cat dies

Postby myau56 » Fri Feb 8, '13, 10:11 pm

Nice cat ! Condolences to his masters :( Mine is a normal cat too ! And that is better like that :)
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Re: Longest Cat dies

Postby Qara » Tue Feb 12, '13, 8:58 am

my cat is normal length also. she does have extra toes on the front feet though.
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