Van der Sloot confession

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Van der Sloot confession

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jun 8, '10, 7:57 pm

Joran Van der sloot, who was the primary suspect in the disappearance/possible murder of Natalie Holloway several years ago, has confessed to murdering a girl in Peru according to officials there: ... s-americas

Any thoughts on how this case might proceed from here, and what may happen?

One very eerie connection is that this happened exactly 5 years from the very date that the other girl, Natalie Holloway, went missing, etc. :blank:

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Re: Van der Sloot confession

Postby Thoul » Tue Jun 8, '10, 8:07 pm

If he was involved in the Holloway case, he'll probably give that up before long as well. It might use it to cut a deal for a lesser sentence.
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