Like snow?

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Like snow?

Postby Thoul » Thu Dec 18, '08, 4:22 pm

Around this time of year, a lot of places are getting deep coverings of snow on the ground. Do your pets like to go out and play around in it? Have they even seen snow or know what it is?

Our cats mostly don't go outside, except for one who loves the outdoors as much as being inside. It has been a couple of years since we had a good snow though, so I doubt she really knows what it is. We don't let her out when it is really cold anyway, she doesn't like that.
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Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Dec 18, '08, 4:49 pm

Our cats are indoors, but we have seen cat tracks in the snow a lot, especially near my mom's garden where there's compost in which they can find food. Apparently there's a stray or two around, but we haven't seen it/them.

Though, one of our cats seems to want to go outside sometimes and we'll frequently just pick her up and take her for a short walk around the yard. However, she seems to realize that winter is cold and she doesn't want to go out.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 18, '08, 5:31 pm

Our outside cats don't seem to mind snow, they just act normal as usual. Although sometimes they do try to chase it as it falls down from the sky. Some of them do get a little wound up though and take off on a playing spree - must be something unusual in the air or something. :rofl:

Our inside cats haven't experienced snow very much, but those that have don't like it because it's too cold. They are a pretty well pampered group and like their warmth.

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