Light Bulbs banned!

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Light Bulbs banned!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 20, '07, 8:16 pm

What do you think of the incandescent light bulbs being banned? Other countries have already banned these types of bulbs in favor of more efficient means of illumination, and now the US seems to be following along. The incandescent bulbs are to be phased out sometime in the next four years probably - between 2012 and 2014.

How many bulbs will you have to buy and replace because of this ban? How might it affect us all in other ways? ... tbulb_bans

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Postby Neithird » Thu Dec 20, '07, 8:27 pm

What's an incandescent light bulb? I know what a light bulb is of course, but I don't know anything about the different types. Why are they being banned?
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Postby SparkyIII » Fri Dec 21, '07, 5:22 am

Incan...inca....incawhatsant? XD
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Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 21, '07, 8:58 pm

Incandescent are the old, traditional style light bulbs. :idea: <- Those.

I imagine the ban is to reduce energy consumption, but that's just a guess. I wonder if historical buildings will be included in this ban. Supposedly there's a firehouse somewhere that has a light bulb that has been burning for 100 years nonstop.
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Postby Atolm » Sat Dec 22, '07, 4:10 am

Thoul: Yes there is. It is at a fire station near my town. :)
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Postby SparkyIII » Sun Dec 23, '07, 8:37 am

The lampost at our neigbors yard looks like it could be. Its an old grey rusted thing with rough coverings over a bulb. Could be dern near a thous'nd yeers old.
Everything has a pattern. Something set. Even random things. They aren't random at all, its complex mathematics. The trick is to find the pattern. Then you can exploit it.

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Postby Neithird » Sun Dec 23, '07, 2:27 pm

A hundred years?? Wow! I don't know what that light bulb is made of, but I wish they would mass market that! I'm so sick of my lights going out because the bulbs burn up inside.
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