Library with no books

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Library with no books

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jan 16, '13, 2:45 am

Hard to believe there could ever be a Library without any hardcover or softcover books, but it may soon be happening in some places: ... -tech.html

I just don't think I would like a place like this very much. I like real books!! This may be the wave of the future though. Don't laugh....once it also seemed unbelievable that paper newspapers might not be around ... and look at the world today!!! :yaknow:

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Re: Library with no books

Postby Thoul » Wed Jan 16, '13, 10:46 am

I've been wondering when someone would try this. It was just a matter time, given the way we can borrow movies over some digital services now. I'll be curious to see how they handle some of the problems inherent in the concept of a fully digital library. In particular, I want to know what kind of limits they will try to impose on the lending process.

Most libraries have limited resources - a finite number of copies of each book, for instance. When you transition to digital, suddenly that limit no longer has to apply. A physical book can only be loaned out to one person at a time, but an ebook can potentially be copied to anyone who has an acceptable device. If dozens of people want a copy of one book at the same time, that's now more difficult to prevent. I can't imagine that publishing companies would be too thrilled with an unrestricted environment that allows potentially thousands of people to read the latest best selling books, all on the week of release, at no charge.
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Re: Library with no books

Postby Rylen » Wed Jan 16, '13, 2:52 pm

I still enjoy the feel of a Hard Cover book in my hands. I find that ebooks are good for short stories and other hard to find works. But I just don't feel that it will be a total replacement. So the Books Publishers are not going to be thrilled at this concept. Should be fun to watch to see how this plays out.
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Re: Library with no books

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 17, '13, 12:42 pm

Like many others, I like so much read but I need a real book in my hands to do this ! (or sheets of paper if I've printed..for exemple Phantasy Star Fan Fictions ! :lol: ).
A library without books ? I'm not a great fan... :(
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Re: Library with no books

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jan 4, '14, 5:40 pm

Found a recent story on this subject with a library in Texas: ... ess-future

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Re: Library with no books

Postby myau56 » Sat Jan 4, '14, 7:58 pm

It's a bit depressing :( But why not ? If it's still possible to read why not ? We'll see in the future ! :)
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