Letterman's last night on Late Show

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Letterman's last night on Late Show

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 20, '15, 11:54 pm

Tonight (Wednesday, May 20, 2015) is the last night to see David Letterman on "The Late Show" as he is retiring. So far I haven't heard who Dave's guests may be tonight but it is sure to be an emotional show. I am going to miss watching him every week night. I heard Bill Murray was on there last night, and I saw Tom Hanks on there Monday night doing a selfie with Dave, lol.

Anyone else going to miss David Letterman on the Late Show?

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Re: Letterman's last night on Late Show

Postby Zio_Falz » Fri May 22, '15, 8:02 pm

I'm not a huge Dave Letterman fan, but I always did prefer him over Jay Leno.

Unrelated to his retirement, I can't help but think of several Howard Stern show bits that feature "Evil David Letterman" who is in impersonator who sounds exactly like him, but is very very very offensive, yet very funny if you have a darker sense of humor.

Here is a link to just one of many bits, of which this one is a prank phone call made by Evil Dave Letterman:

Please listen at your own risk, as this is offensive so please be warned.
However if anybody listens Howard Stern, chances are they are already aware of the dark comedy and offensive nature that the show often plays upon.

There are several other amusing bits like this, one of which is a massively offensive prank phone call is to an adoption agency, but I will not link to that one because of it so offensive in nature, since I will want to try to stay within the bounds of the politically correctness of this Phantasy Star forum.
So if you are into dark or offensive humor, please search out these things on your own.

And if this YouTube link above results in me getting a “ban” from this website forum, all I can say is, please get a sense of humor.

I do not, and you should not take any of this at face value, since comedy is just comedy, and not any actual view of myself, or anyone else who has a chuckle from that or any other related material.

I do look forward to Steven Colbert as the new host, however I wonder what his execution will be since he will be dropping the ultraconservative persona which he used on his show to emphasize the satire of that type of individual.
I do wonder what his presented personality will be in the future.
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Re: Letterman's last night on Late Show

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 22, '15, 9:38 pm

For some reason I thought Colbert was supposed to begin last night so tuned in and was caught with an episode of "The Mentalist". Don't get me wrong, I love the Mentalist and even watched the first couple of seasons on DVD's from my local library, however, I just wasn't in the mood to watch it last night. So I did a search and Colbert begins in September when a lot of the new season shows begin. So, guess it will be a little wait until we see how he does things at Late night.

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Re: Letterman's last night on Late Show

Postby Snorb » Fri May 22, '15, 11:40 pm

Yeah, I remember there being a couple months between Leno the Usurper and Fallon on the Tonight Show last year; I figured it'd be the same with Dave and Colbert.

Anyway, Letterman ended with a real classy speech; Jimmy Kimmel said "Yeah, it's Dave's night, I'm just gonna air a rerun." Fallon... did not, but I'm gonna blame the National Broadcasting "Anything For a Nielsen Point" Corporation on that one.
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