Leonard Nimoy retires

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Leonard Nimoy retires

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 21, '10, 5:38 pm

Leonard Nimoy (actor who played the original role of 'Spock' in "Star Trek", both the tv series and the movies) has announced his retirement from acting:

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Leonard-Nim ... 17595.aspx

Wow, this was a surprise. I know he's getting older, and they have a "new" Spock, but Nimoy will ALWAYS be Spock, no matter what. Of course, he has done many other things besides "Star Trek". Maybe he just wants to relax and enjoy life. And, even if he retires from acting, he can still write books and do many other things. Maybe even make an occassional guest appearance somewhere. I hope so.

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Re: Leonard Nimoy retires

Postby Thoul » Wed Apr 21, '10, 5:40 pm

I'm sorry to see him leave the stage, but at the same time I can understand. He's been acting for a very long time. Of course, these days retired people tend to still be very active. I wouldn't be surprised to see him reprise a classic role in a guest appearance here or there, if the opportunity arises.
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