Legendary Wizard

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Legendary Wizard

Postby Thoul » Thu Jan 31, '08, 8:08 am

When Kyra cannot think of a way to pass the forest of Carnivorous Trees, she suggests that her new friends come with her to Esper Mansion. There they will seek out the leader of the Espers, a legendary wizard named Lutz. She looks up to the leader greatly and can't wait to meet him in person for the first time. She's in for a big shock.

Interestingly, this scene does indeed show the original Lutz, not the fifth generation Lutz that Kyra will soon meet. With this scene, Lutz becomes the only character from a previous Phantasy Star to appear in a full color PSIV cutscene.


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Postby newsblade » Thu Jan 31, '08, 8:46 pm

Could he also be Lutz the 4th?
«That's why I've only seen him once, and from afar at that, during some ceremony! But... you can even recognize from afar - he's intelligent... graceful...classy... just a wonderful person» (Kyra, PS4)

If this means Kyra saw Lutz twice (I'm not sure if I interpreted this correctly), the first time (what she calls the real time) could be the 4th one. The second time - a ceremony (of what?) could be a celebration for a new Lutz – the 5th. (I could be missing something)
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Postby Thoul » Thu Jan 31, '08, 9:06 pm

In that quote, Kyra means she's only seen Lutz one time. She saw him from a distance, so she didn't get a good look at his face. The Lutz she saw was likely Rune, but she didn't recognize Rune as Lutz because she hadn't seen Lutz's face. It is possible that Kyra might have seen the 4th Lutz when she was young. That would depend on Rune's real age, I guess. He might have been the only Lutz during her life.

Either way, this scene is the original Lutz. When this scene is shown, the generations of Lutz haven't been revealed yet and Kyra is talking about the original Lutz having lived for two thousand years. She (and we, the player) don't know about the generations or Rune. Kyra is telling us, "Let's go see Lutz, the guy in Phantasy Star I!" To stress that we're supposed to meet the original, the scene is shown with Lutz just as he looked in PSI.
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Postby newsblade » Thu Jan 31, '08, 10:35 pm

You're right - and it would kill all the suspense if they showed Rune instead of Lutz.
Thanks for the explanation.
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Re: Legendary Wizard

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Nov 5, '16, 3:55 am

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

An interesting pic and facts on the original Lutz!

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Re: Legendary Wizard

Postby myau56 » Sun Nov 6, '16, 6:17 am

A more than interesting pic ! Lutz is one of my favourite character in the whole PS serie :)
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Re: Legendary Wizard

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jun 3, '22, 3:51 pm


:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Legendary Wizard

Postby myau56 » Fri Jun 3, '22, 5:56 pm

Lutz the great esper ! :clap: :fiery:
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