Legend of the Seeker

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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Rick » Wed Apr 14, '10, 5:26 am

Eh.. the show is good but one thing rubs me the wrong way. In the books, the only women allowed to have long hair in the Midlands was the Mother Confessor.

It was a sign of her status but.. in this series, every woman almost has the same length of hair.

I believe in the books it was allowed shoulder length but still..

Every other change works for the series but the hairstyles is such an integral part of the Midlands life. Long hair meant a confessor or royalty. So did the white dress..\

My favorite is the one where Zedd was made young. XD Zedd was a awesome young wizard and at the end, he says he could make himself young any time :d
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Wed Apr 14, '10, 3:04 pm

The show handled the white dress pretty well, I thought. Kahlan should have been the Mother Confessor from the start to increase the impact of it, but even without that it makes a good symbol. Kahlan really stood out when she was wearing it in the recent episode "Creator."

I had forgotten about the hair length rule in the books. I guess that's something that just doesn't work for a TV show. Can you imagine how hard it would be to fit short wigs to all of those actresses they've used? :lol:
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 14, '10, 8:05 pm

I am so far behind on this show. Haven't seen any of the second season. I gotta do some catching up.

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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Tue Apr 27, '10, 3:49 am

So, how about that last episode? I thought the one guy being an exact duplicate of Darken Rahl was pretty farfetched. Impersonators I can understand, but this one was a little hard to swallow. Still, I did like the ending. I look forward to seeing Rahl take a more active role in the show again.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Apr 27, '10, 4:39 pm

I just saw some news that said " Legend Of The Seeker " had been canceled:

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Legend-Seek ... 17800.aspx

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I hope this isn't the end for "Seeker".

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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Tue Apr 27, '10, 4:57 pm

Argh! :yell: It figures, when a good show starts and I really get into it, it gets canceled. *sigh* Well, maybe another network or studio will pick it up. It's probably done, though.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Apr 28, '10, 2:45 am

I'm mad right now. T-T and sad. I got nothing else to say.

[EDIT]Found this: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/LOTS3/

It's a petition to hopefully bring a third season of LoTS to life. So perhaps there is some hope then?
A simple text based signature? That's impossible!
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Rick » Wed Apr 28, '10, 3:31 am

Eh... with the direction this season went.. They destroyed any possibility of using Jagang and the New Order in the series.

The integral pieces for that enemy to emerge do not exist and well several chars vital to that are either dead or never showed.

About the best the show could do is finish the Stone of Tears subplot and maybe follow the Soul of the Fire route and explore the vanishing chimes. Of course that includes Jagang and well.. Blood of the Fold could work. Subplot following that group..

They were kinda running out of ideas from the books since many key moments are missing.

Now I could deal with the adventures of Cara the Mord-Sith and Kahlan ala Xena/Gabriel style.. Or Richard and Darken ala Hercules/Eolas style :d
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 28, '10, 4:38 am

Atlinsmere wrote:
[EDIT]Found this: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/LOTS3/

It's a petition to hopefully bring a third season of LoTS to life. So perhaps there is some hope then?

Glad to hear it! I almost knew there would be some kind of action to try and keep the series on the air. I don't know if a petition will help any or not though. I've seen a ton of those things get started and don't know if any of them have helped or not. It is something though, and that's better than doing nothing. There is still time to come up with other ideas possibly.

I remember reading somewhere about one TV show that was canceled and the fans got together and sent a huge bunch of nuts or something....I think it worked, if I remember correctly, but I could be mistaken.

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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Wed Apr 28, '10, 4:43 am

That would be Jericho. The fans sent the studio (CBS, I think?) something like two tons of nuts. It got Jericho renewed for a second season, but the ratings were even worse that before, so it was canceled again after a mere seven episodes.
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