Legend of the Seeker

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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Sat Nov 7, '09, 5:30 pm

If I read the show's website right, the season premiere is just one hour, but they're showing the season one finale before it. I'm going to miss it this week (having TV problems, don't ask) so I'll probably have to wait and see it when it's posted online.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Atlinsmere » Sun Nov 8, '09, 2:46 am

Well, I just finished watching it online. I missed it earlier because I had work. I have to say it's a pretty strong start. Though I do have to disagree with one thing. WARNING! MAJOR SPOILERS! BOTH BOOK AND SHOW! I suggest not reading it until after you watched episode 1 season 2.
The fact that Darken Rahl and Richard are brothers. Richard is supposed to be his son! But I'm sure they had their reasons.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Nov 9, '09, 10:05 pm

I missed the Season 2 episode and will have to try and watch it online also.

I couldn't resist looking at your spoiler anyway Atlinsmere. :wink: I had suspected once that this might happen, even though it is different from the book. They just look too close in age to be Father and son.

I can't wait to see this episode.

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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Tue Nov 10, '09, 3:38 pm

I've yet to see it... but I can't say I'm too surprised by that spoiler. It was actually mentioned in the first season, but in such a context that it could have been a lie. So, finding out it was actually true for this version is sorta expected for me.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Sun Dec 6, '09, 1:16 am

So, any thoughts on the new season so far? What I've seen has been pretty good, though the tone seems a little more mature than the previous season. The story has been a bit darker, with the Banelings and Cara episodes.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Atlinsmere » Sun Dec 20, '09, 2:43 am

Well, I think this season is amazing so far. Just too bad there is a break right now if I remember correctly.

They've introduced many new characters so far in the new season. Probably one of the best is the thief who tagged along with Richard, Kahlan, Zedd, and Cara for a couple episodes.

One thing that I respect about this series is that they don't choose bad actors. Everyone knows how to act very well. I'm going to be ordering Season one tomorrow when I go to work. Tis gonna be sweet.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Tue Jan 12, '10, 10:12 pm

Anyone know when the break ends? I'm getting a hankering for more Legend of the Seeker. :cry:

I agree, the thief was a very entertaining character! I was kind of sad to see him depart when the time came.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Atlinsmere » Fri Jan 22, '10, 6:12 am

Sorry I wasn't paying attention. The hiatus was only 3 weeks and they currently are up and running again.

They currently had 2 episodes since the break. "Resurrection" and "Light."

I am also happy because I finally got Season 1 on DVD. After waiting over a month since I ordered it I finally got it!^_^ Me likes very much. It has deleted scenes, commentaries, Behind the Scenes, and even an interview with Terry Goodkind, the man who created the Sword Of Truth series! There's probably more but I'll just have to wait and see! ^_^ 70$ well spent!
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Atlinsmere » Tue Apr 13, '10, 9:14 am

Not sure if anyone has been keeping up on this as I have. Still haven't missed an episode of this show. =P

So I basically have one question for those keeping up with LotS. Which episode of season 2 is your favorite thus far?

As for me it would have to be "Desecrated" which just so happened to be the latest episode. The action, the story, the magic, everything seemed to me to be pulled out in this episode.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Tue Apr 13, '10, 10:07 am

Hm, it's hard to pick one. Desecrated was really good, definitely one of the best in the season so far. Fury was pretty good too. I sorta of liked Bound, just for the way they condensed a major plot point of an entire book into one episode without breaking stride.

I'm really looking forward to the next episode, since John Rhys-Davis is going to be in it.
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