Legend of the Seeker

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Mar 23, '09, 12:56 am

Well, that new guy didn't stay around for very long, did he, lol. He was okay, but I don't think I will miss him.

Wow, what an episode this week's episode was!!!! :clap: We finally got to meet more of Richard's family. I don't think that lady soilder is completely gone yet, since she is still alive. I'm wondering if and what they may do with her next. A lot of questions answered this week, and still more that need answering. So good to see Zed back this week. Now Richard knows the secret Zed has been carrying. Awesome show, and I can't wait for next week's new episode.

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Postby Thoul » Mon Mar 23, '09, 7:20 pm

Yeah, I was hoping Chase would stay longer, but oh well. The latest episode was amazing! They really threw me a curve ball on that one. I knew Zedd's secret would be revealed, but I didn't expect it to come out like that. I really enjoyed the whole episode, though.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Mar 30, '09, 4:08 am

Well. I have to say last weeks episode was really good. I have to say though that Zedd revealing his secret this early was unexpected, brings me back to reading the books. And I have to say that I need to watch last nights episode sometime as I've missed it. But I guess if it was a repeat I'll be fine right?
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Mar 30, '09, 9:22 pm

I saw last night's episode and it was pretty good, but I don't think it was a rerun. It could have been, but I had not seen it before. It was a good episode either way. I wish Zed had been in it, though. I miss him when he's not there.

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Postby Atlinsmere » Tue Mar 31, '09, 3:28 am

I just watched the one I missed Saturday last night before bed. It was quite good and I liked the fact that it showed that not everybody is who they seem to be (Resistance = bad intentions, Some D'Harans = good intentions)

I will say though that I am looking forward to next weeks episode.

And now a gift for all you Seeker fans...

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Mar 31, '09, 5:45 pm

Wow, that's a cool gift, Atlinsmere! Thanks!!! :clap: I love the pic, although I wish the Seeker was up front and the confessor was sitting in the background. :wink: Is that a pic for a game for the gameboy, or something else??? If so, I might enjoy playing this game. :)

And, I quite agree with your statements regarding the last episode. The things revealed were very interesting indeed.

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Postby Atlinsmere » Tue Mar 31, '09, 8:10 pm

Actually, the picture was just a random picture up at LotS website. I just changed it up a bit to make it look like that.

The object in Richard's hand is not a gameboy but a book on previous Seekers.
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Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 31, '09, 11:28 pm

I missed the first half of this week's episode. I was too sleepy to stay awake. :faint: I did see the second half though, and it was really good. I'll have to watch the rest of it sometime this week.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Thoul » Mon Apr 6, '09, 11:21 pm

It looks like we're in reruns until the end of the month. :( I wonder how many more episodes are left. The series has been going for a while now, we've got to be near the end of the season.
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Re: Legend of the Seeker

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Apr 7, '09, 11:15 pm

I usually don't like reruns much, but this show is different. I find myself even watching, and enjoying, the reruns. :hyper: I do hope the new shows start soon, though, and hope there will be a second season.

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