Legend of the Seeker

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Postby Thoul » Mon Feb 16, '09, 3:33 pm

That's great news! I wonder if the second season will be based on the second book, or if they'll go in a new direction.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Sun Feb 22, '09, 3:48 am

Anybody watch the new episode yet? I think it is really interesting (I ended up falling asleep for the second half, I'm so sleepy) how they did it. But anyway. I say more but mind not working and I haven't finished watching entire episode.
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Postby Thoul » Sun Feb 22, '09, 1:27 pm

It doesn't air here until 6pm today. I hope I can remember to watch it. I've been sleeping a lot this weekend because I'm fighting off a cold.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Feb 25, '09, 3:38 am

That episode was pretty good, given that it was a clip and recap episode. Usually those don't serve any real purpose, but this one actually had an interesting plot.

Although, I have to say, that kiss between Richard and the girl in his dream is really, really creepy if you think about what really happened there.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Mar 2, '09, 12:45 am

XD I know what you mean.

Well, last nights episode was pretty good. I would have to say that was by far one of the more interesting episodes. To to it all off they did quite a bit of foreshadowing, though I won't tell you what about =P.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Mar 2, '09, 1:24 am

I just finished watching that one a little while ago. I like that they explored the idea of a previous Seeker. Adding some history really fleshes out the world. Yeah, that foreshadowing is something, huh? They're really building up to that.

I hope that with Zedd going off on his own at the end, they keep him in the show on his little quest, rather than just having him gone for a while and come back later. Nice bit about the cloud, too. I was wondering if they would use that idea or not.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Mar 5, '09, 12:31 am

I also thought that was an interesting episode. I don't know about the foreshadowing, etc., as I haven't read the books, but I did sense a lot of things that could be relative to the series in the future somehow. I hope Zedd comes back too. Maybe he's going to have his own adventure or something. They need to do something to cool things down a bit between the Seeker and his Confessor, so maybe an adventure with Zedd will do the trick (no pun intended. :wink: ).

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Postby Atlinsmere » Sun Mar 8, '09, 3:12 am

Well, I just have to say that this week's episode was among the best thus far IMO. I'm glad that [NOTE: The following spoiler contains a major spoiler relating to the show and book. Read at own risk.]they changed the fact that Micheal redeemed himself in Richard's eyes, rather than Richard executing him. It was quite great. I will have to also add that having Chase along in the party is also great, I was wondering when he was going to get more screen time.

But have any of you seen the preview for the next episode? It looks so great! On top of that, Resident Evil 5 is being released that day and I get paid right before that on Friday. So hurray for next Saturday! [Hey! That rhymed!]

Also, LOL at SS's (unintentional?) pun.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Mar 8, '09, 11:28 pm

I saw that epiosde today Trenzer and you were right, it was one of the best so far. I also saw the preview for next week, and whoa, that looks like it may even be better than anything we've seen so far. I guess the lady confessor is happy now that Richard said he wasn't in love with his former girlfriend and that his heart belongs to another. Looking forward to next week. Oh yeah, I like the new guy too, but I'd rather see Zedd!.

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Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 10, '09, 3:19 am

Yep, another episode that does things better than the book. I'm really glad they were able to redeem Michael. The way that relationship developed in the book never sat well with me. I'm glad to see Chase back as well. He has the potential to be an awesome character, if only they decide to explore it fully.
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