Legend of the Seeker

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jan 28, '09, 8:54 pm

I think that was an interesting point to bring up about the male child, and to make Kahlan the new Mother Confessor, which I understand she is in the book.

I also like the stance Richard took in this episode concerning the male child. If he had acted any other way, then what kind of " seeker " would he truly be???

It really makes you wonder about the future of that male child, though, and what may happen in the future to them all. That last scene shown of the child was sweet, but at the same time very chilling, to say the least.

I found it hard to believe the actions of the Mother Confessor in this episode. I suppose she was trying to carry out past tradition, but she seemed a little crazy to me too. Do you suppose having to kill her own male child as she said she did made her crazy, or something? And, what about what she did to the Wizard when she confessed him, would she have suffered some kind of bad fate or punishment for doing that if she hadn't of died in the end of the episode? I'm a little surprised how bad the Wizard is treated sometimes with all his power, magic, etc.

One more point, what do you think of the fashions on this show so far? What did you think of Kahlan dressed in that red suit of the enemy as she saved her sister from the prison, I think it was. Pretty snazzy, I thought. Kahlan has great fashions, and I like Richard's outfit too. The Wizard's robes are long and flowing, but I think he could use a little help in the wardrobe department some how. :yaknow:

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Postby Thoul » Wed Jan 28, '09, 10:32 pm

I'm not sure if the Mother Confessor would have faced any consequences for what she did to Zedd or not. She's supposed to be the supreme authority in that part of the world (in the books anyway, maybe not the show), so there's not really anyone to officially punish her. I can't imagine Richard letting it slide, though. She was definitely a few arrows short of a quiver, if you know what I mean.

The outfits are really good so far. They're nothing at all like what I would have pictured for the most part. The designs work well with this cast though, so I'm happy with the look of everything so far.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Thu Jan 29, '09, 4:58 am

I kind of hope that the Mother Confessor (Not Kahlan) gets sent to the Keeper in the Underworld :evil: . But even so, it seemed to me like the Mother Confessor thought her actions justified just because of past or even ancient traditions say it to be done. It also makes me wonder if the Mother Confessor thought her actions to be correct because the Mother Confessor is the highest seat of authority in the Midlands.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Feb 2, '09, 3:38 am

So, has anyone watched last night's episode "Confession" yet? It was a pretty good episode as it explores more of the magic in the Midlands. Also Zedd's brother was an interesting twist, as I don't remember him having one in the book.

Well, if what the official website says, there will be reruns for the next two weeks instead of the next episode titled "Home." I don't want to wait that long. :(
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Postby Thoul » Mon Feb 2, '09, 6:08 pm

Yeah, that was a good episode. I was a little disappointed in the murder mystery aspect because I saw the real culprit really early on. The way they put magic into it and Zedd's parts of the episode were great, though. I don't remember anything in this episode being in the books at all, but I love how this show is expanding on the original universe.

The next episode seems to be the one with the maps. Our local schedule doesn't go beyond that yet.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Feb 2, '09, 11:49 pm

Agree with both of you above in regards to last night's episode. It was a good one, although a little too easy to predict in some instances. I enjoyed the Wizard's storyline with his brother in this one. It was sad that the Wizard's mom had died, but the grave sure did need some cleaning up. I wonder if that key which the Wizard claimed will be a factor in future shows? They sure are obtaining quite a collection with the box, the key, the magic orb, etc..

I usually don't like reruns, but I don't mind watching them on this show because I always notice something that I failed to see the first time around. :hyper:

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 6, '09, 11:14 pm

Just saw this link online where you can watch some episodes of "Legend Of The Seeker" online. This would be great if you wanted to see a certain episode again, or if you've never seen one before and wanted to know what the show was about and perhaps join in our discussion here. :)

http://video.tvguide.com/Legend+of+the+ ... tnerid=OVG

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Postby Atlinsmere » Sun Feb 8, '09, 5:23 am

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That's alright, I gto my other sources where I can watch Legend of the Seeker online. According to the episode guideon the official website, we won't be getting any new episodes until February 21. The next new episode will be called "Home."

Makes me wonder what it will be like.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Feb 16, '09, 12:55 am

The preview at the end of this week's episode mentioned 6 new episodes on the way. There are only four on the episode guide, so that means there's at least two more beyond that.
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Postby Atlinsmere » Mon Feb 16, '09, 1:42 am

If what I read on Wikipedia is correct, there are plans for 22 episodes for the season. If what Wikipedia said as well is true, there will be a second season due to the shows popularity! I'm pumped!
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