Lays Potato Chip contest

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Lays Potato Chip contest

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Mar 1, '17, 12:44 am

Every year Lay's has a contest to pick a new flavor of potato chip, even if it might be available for only a limited time. That time is here again. Check out the links below to see what new flavor potato chips people are coming up with, invent a chip flavor of your own, and vote for the chip flavor you like best. ... 7-43211505

I had a hard time deciding on which flavor to vote for. The Vanilla Shake and Fries sounded good, but I finally voted for the Cotton Candy Crunch, lol.

It will be interesting to see which new flavors are chosen and may wind up on store shelves later in the year.

What new flavor would you vote for, or what new flavor of your own would you create?

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Re: Lays Potato Chip contest

Postby myau56 » Wed Mar 1, '17, 10:39 am

Ah again this Lay potato chip contest ? The flavours proposed are always a bit strange but this is a good idea to try to have some VERY variate flavours ! :)
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Re: Lays Potato Chip contest

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Oct 20, '17, 9:39 pm

Another Lays Potato Chip contest this summer and the winner is ... Crispy Taco: ... cid=AARDHP

I would probably have voted for the Fried Green Tomato chip, but I never noticed any of these new flavors in the grocery.

What flavor did everyone else think would win this contest?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Lays Potato Chip contest

Postby myau56 » Mon Oct 23, '17, 12:15 pm

Yes, for me too Fried Green Tomato chip seemed to be a great flavour bit not this time ! Maybe another time ? ;)
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