About Wren...

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About Wren...

Postby Arctic-snowfox » Sun Jun 24, '12, 10:28 am

i am convinced that wren is the same cyborg, in both ps3 and ps4.
wren could easily be able to travel back to algo and build zelan, in theory, aww come on, hes a smart bot, it wouldnt be hard to make a teleportation device.
my signature has gone on vacation.
sigh... i wonder when exactly it might come home?
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Re: About Wren...

Postby Tryphon » Sun Jun 24, '12, 2:25 pm

As for me, I'm convinced you like saying nonsenses, especially when you have been explained it was impossible at least 2 times. Do you only read answers to your threads ?
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Re: About Wren...

Postby Fogeltje » Sun Jun 24, '12, 4:52 pm

Well highly theoretical, if we take the time travel ending for canon there might be a slight possibility he came to Algo with the Earthmen. But that would have to mean his bio is wrong as it states he was created 996 years before PSIV and the Earthmen had been around much longer. Maybe he was moved to Motavia and got derelict and by "building" they merely meant reactivating. But I find it highly improbable.
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Re: About Wren...

Postby Tryphon » Sun Jun 24, '12, 6:05 pm

And with a little more "if", my aunt would be my uncle :)
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Re: About Wren...

Postby Fogeltje » Sun Jun 24, '12, 7:45 pm

I'm sure that will be possible at some point in the future.
"Rolf, there's no hope for me. If Neifirst is dead, I must die, too."
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Re: About Wren...

Postby Tryphon » Sun Jun 24, '12, 7:56 pm

So am I. But you need more "if"
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Re: About Wren...

Postby Myau » Sun Oct 7, '12, 5:17 am

This wouldn't really make any logical sence in either of the timelines.

Sure they are both wren-type cyborgs. They are not the same character though.
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