Laya - sister or child?

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Postby Tsunami » Sat Oct 13, '07, 9:29 pm

Thoul wrote:The relationship could have happened before the war just as easily as after. They could have been close, then one of them was manipulated by Dark Force (IIRC, the Compendium says Laya was), and they reunited toward the end of the war. I think a before the war scenario is more likely than after given Laya's comments through her pendant. It sounded like the went after DF immediately after ending the war.

Orakio had descendants, though. Unless he had multiple affairs! :p

I just doubt that there was anything before that. Doesn't Rhys's existance say anything? :?

The first scenario for Lune could work, but I can't see the second one. After finding out it had been 1,000 years and everyone he knew, except his sister, is long dead, he daughter suddenly appears and he says nothing? I just can't buy that one.

Well, I tried to come up with something. :D Either could be the case, and both are most likely false anyhow. I just like to think about these sort of things, since there's so much room for imagination!
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Postby The $ Avenger » Sun Oct 14, '07, 1:03 am

I think the first scenario is completely possible. And I do see a physical resemblance between Laya and Kara too. That's very interesting. Got a fanfic coming on this one? :D The second case is harder to believe, but perhaps he was a man of unbreached integrity and kept up his end of the bargain. That's an internal struggle for sure. Perhaps he told her after the second generation, since he seems rational in all the third generation scenarios.

Tsunami wrote:Orakio had descendants, though. Unless he had multiple affairs! :p
You never know! Isn't what that interview hinted at?

Snorb wrote:Lune might have been Young Laya's father- she's a full Layan. Though it would be interesting to see a half-Orakian Laya who could use swords...
That's a good point. If Orakio was the father, wouldn't she uses knives? And she likely wouldn't have such uber-powerful Techniques if she wasn't full-blooded Layan. I think that is a strong indicator that Orakio (or an Orakian) isn't the father.

The more I think about it, Tsunami, the more inclined I am to the Lune idea. :hmm:
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Postby Tsunami » Sun Oct 14, '07, 2:47 am

The $ Avenger wrote:I think the first scenario is completely possible. And I do see a physical resemblance between Laya and Kara too. That's very interesting. Got a fanfic coming on this one? :D
I've considered doing some writing on that, yeah. However, I'm juggling multiple projects, so any work is slow with my motivation lacking. :p

The second case is harder to believe, but perhaps he was a man of unbreached integrity and kept up his end of the bargain. That's an internal struggle for sure. Perhaps he told her after the second generation, since he seems rational in all the third generation scenarios.
Well, my reasoning for the 2nd to be more believable is that he's searching for Laya's treasure... Why would be so desperately seek it, without knowing exactly what it was? I'm sure he had some idea...

Tsunami wrote:Orakio had descendants, though. Unless he had multiple affairs! :p
You never know! Isn't what that interview hinted at?

Y'know, that does sound about right... xD
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Postby Thoul » Sun Oct 14, '07, 3:38 am

Tsunami wrote:Orakio had descendants, though. Unless he had multiple affairs! :p

I just doubt that there was anything before that. Doesn't Rhys's existance say anything? :?

That's a good point. It could be that they had more than one child and one stayed with Orakio and another went with Laya. Orakio could have indeed had a previous or later relationship with someone else. Laya II could have been the product of a one night stand. There's lots of possible ways to explain this, but we definitely have to say Orakio had a family beyond any involvement of these two.

That's a good point. If Orakio was the father, wouldn't she uses knives? And she likely wouldn't have such uber-powerful Techniques if she wasn't full-blooded Layan. I think that is a strong indicator that Orakio (or an Orakian) isn't the father.

I don't think she would necessarily use knives just because of Orakio being her father. She would have been trained by Layans, who might have leaned toward the bow and having her emulate her sister/mother.

The techniques are a good point, but we don't really know what Orakio was like in that area. I mean, all the other Orakians we see are the product of 1,000 years of hating technique users and genetic drift through marriages. We just don't know what Orakio, or other Orakians, were like back then. The only thing we would have to go by is Rulakir, but he's tainted by Dark Force's power and therefore not a good example.
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Postby Neithird » Tue Oct 16, '07, 2:14 am

I think they're sisters, just like the game says. Gwyn's alternate name is news to me too, but that could be explained as her mother wanting to honor the memory of the older Laya. Lots of people name their children after deceased family members. :starry-eyed:
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Postby Yoshi » Tue Oct 16, '07, 9:18 pm

I would believe that she was a secret daughter rather than a sister. As has been mentioned above, it would be rather odd to have two sisters named exactly the same. Names might indeed be handed down from parents to children from generation to generation however.

Another point which might possibly be of interest is that when reference is made to "little sister" they might possibly be referring to someone of the same sex, etc., such as men sometimes refer to other men as "brother" when they are not actually brothers or even related by blood. :idea:
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Re: Laya - sister or child?

Postby H-Man » Fri Sep 24, '10, 12:56 pm

I know of (at least) two cases where the parents displayed little creativity in naming their children. A close friend of mine in high school had two younger brothers: one of them was named Danny and the other was named Daniel. When I was a missionary in NE Brazil, I knew a lady who named her daughters Jesely and Jessely (the difference in pronunciation being that a single "s" in the middle of a word sounds like the English "z" and the double "s" is more like our regular "s"). Therefore, it wouldn't be completely unheard of to have two sisters named Laya. Odd? Yes. Impossible? No.
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Re: Laya - sister or child?

Postby defyantx07 » Wed Aug 22, '12, 10:46 pm

I can't imagine younger Laya as being the love child of Orakio and Older Laya cause that would mean that the future union of Nial and Laya was somewhat incestuous. Marrying the daughter of your ancestor. She would technically be your ancestor too in a way lol. Nial is a direct descendent of Orakio afterall.
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Re: Laya - sister or child?

Postby Thoul » Thu Aug 23, '12, 10:35 am

Laya would be a (very) great aunt to Nial, so technically they would be only very distantly related. Orakio's bloodline would have been very diluted over the centuries, unless there was a lot of intermarriage between his descendents in Landen.

Besides, the incest tones are already present in the game with the marriage of Ayn and Thea. Those two are cousins, sharing a grandfather. That's a much closer blood relation than Laya and Nial would have. I wouldn't count the love child theory out on incest grounds, if only because of that.
Last edited by Thoul on Thu Aug 23, '12, 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laya - sister or child?

Postby defyantx07 » Fri Aug 24, '12, 2:53 am

I completely forgot about Ayn and Thea being cousins. I guess the Laya Nial marriage wouldn't have been as bad as that.
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