Laya's "Dome"?

Explore the Alisa III as it travels the stars.

Laya's "Dome"?

Postby SparkyIII » Wed Jan 9, '08, 6:49 am

Where, in fact, was her little plot of land? You have to go down in the river in Aridia to get there. And there seems to be lots of water like its Aridia's lost water supply. But the edges of the map suggest its just like every other dome. Could it be that it is just like cartoons depictions of digging a hole to China, and you end up on the other side of the ship?

And, does every ship that escaped Parma have one of these wierd hidden planets? Could there be more under other domes? A second Landen? Draconia? Aquatica? XD
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Postby Celeith » Wed Jan 9, '08, 5:46 pm

most likely laya's dome was just some sorta basement or something when they built the alisa III, then after the centuries it finally turned into a subaquatic world or something.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Jan 9, '08, 7:43 pm

I always thought of it as some kind of underground cavern. I suppose it could be like a sewer or some sort of water recycling area. The ship must have been carrying a huge amount of water to go thousands of years without H2O becoming scarce.

I wouldn't be surprised if all the domes had something similar and if all the underground areas are connected by the long tubes between ships. There's probably a lot of secrets like that lost to the people on the ships. A Neo Palm adventure would have been great because it could explore all of that.
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Postby SparkyIII » Thu Jan 10, '08, 11:04 pm

The population could be doubled! And a third class could be discovered! Layans, Orakians, and now (insert name)ans!
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Postby hugues » Fri Jan 11, '08, 10:21 pm

One now defunct site speculated that it was a water recycling module for the Alisa III. It would make sense because it's small, in the center of the ship, and mostly water.

Why there's so little water on Aridia then is a puzzle - perhaps it was always intended to be "manned" by cyborgs who kept the basic life support systems functioning.
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