The first story states that Lassic was a benevolent ruler initially, till he fell under dway of the evil cult or Dark Falz.
Now if Alisa's father was King, as in both stories regardless, This means Lassic ruled for all but 14 years, as Alisa is 15 years old herself.
So how many of those 14 years was he a good, benevolent ruler? To me it sounds more like the Star Wars Ep 1-6. story, where Palpatine was a good benevolent ruler, till the Republic was dissolved, in place of the Empire. And then slowly over time, the senate and thus democracy, was dissolved 19 years after the creation of the Empire.
Perhaps Alis' father as "King of Algol" was more in ceremony than actual power, like the UK or Japan. And that Lassic was Prime Minister or Chancellor who deposed the King and dissolved much of Algo's democracy, except for the regional governors, at least for 14 years. Palpatine did the same thing--he set up hand appointed governors--called "Moffs" to administrate planetary rule, rather than democratic elected leaders.
Long story short, I find my view of the first scenario with these above caveats more likely. He was a Chancellor/Prime Minister, who became corrupted, deposed the ceremonial monarch, and created an Empire than governed from afar utilizing limited official travel, singular planetary governing entities of his choosing, and mot of all, utilizing fear, dragons, medusa, and other supernatural evil things along with Stormtrooper security forces that would gun down civilians for any sort of suspected dissent---that would surely keep people in line.